Bust a Rhyme

Pull a turd out your ass real slow, throw it in the freezer for a shit dildo. Knock you out with it point blank shove it back in you like a shank. As your skank cries tied up in the next room, she's sealed your fait...this hell hold will be your tomb.
yo life's a bitch and so is your fake mom..she gave me an itch that burns like napalm..stay smoking this shit that's straight bomb.. take another hit then break bongs..I try to stay calm.. but then the rage comes... you want it come take some.. I supply the stikey..tape gun..
Immune to Ebola and never got the swine flu
And when you say it like that, it shows a different side of you
Reminding you of the rights that are now denied to you
How elements that compose the sun are inside of you
But you didn't come here for knowledge and wisdom
America rubs it's pussy to dead children
Truth, no modesty, no apology, odium

Go home and let the cable TV wash over you
Ya life's a microcosm of the world's problems
But you don't even have the perspective to try to solve 'em
No compassion, remorse, or any type of future seeing
Government being run by people that are barely human beings
Who claim we were brainwashed by hip hop music
But now pop culture propaganda's how they use it
Crack 'em with the black jack on a Necro track
Snatch your chain and hump the dance floor, I'm taking it back - Not Me.
Immune to Ebola and never got the swine flu
And when you say it like that, it shows a different side of you
Reminding you of the rights that are now denied to you
How elements that compose the sun are inside of you
But you didn't come here for knowledge and wisdom
America rubs it's pussy to dead children
Truth, no modesty, no apology, odium

Go home and let the cable TV wash over you
Ya life's a microcosm of the world's problems
But you don't even have the perspective to try to solve 'em
No compassion, remorse, or any type of future seeing
Government being run by people that are barely human beings
Who claim we were brainwashed by hip hop music
But now pop culture propaganda's how they use it
Crack 'em with the black jack on a Necro track
Snatch your chain and hump the dance floor, I'm taking it back - Not Me.
Immortal tech is one of my favorites
I learned this somewhere in my vast educational experience

Fuck a duck,
Screw a pigeon,
Go to hell
And get religion.

Not in a million years? Try last week, in point of fact.
You really do need to learn some tact.

You know the only person lacking credibility in this furor
is the one staring back at you from the mirror.

You aren't welcome here if all you contribute is negativity and lies.
Never any good advice to offer, only nasty nothings that we despise.

The scale spoke and told the tale,
so why don't you hit the trail?
If you're just trolling, that's a fail.

The face in your logo looks kinda pale.
REAL anonymous knows your schtick's gone stale.

Now just piss off, go kick that pail,
Got no more time for your silly wail!
Resurrection of a veiny erection, im flickity flexin..the complexion of my rhyme selection is so perfection. Don't get it twisted, ive defeated whole army's unassisted.rhyme game unrestricted,, fucking the pussy, tight fisted, im so dam sadistic known for going the distance and being so consistent.just like I predicted jack off till I'm limp and make you eat the biscuit. No homo I'll fuck your mom pro bono.
I'm at a loss, I can't explain,
Incompetence doth rule,
Your rhyme and meter, they both suck,
Of you you make a fool.

You can't talk trash, you can't talk nice,
You worthless piece of shit,
You make me sick, please suck my dick,
I meant to say my clit.
You amateurs, you wannabees,
Pretenders one and all,
Pathetic, pissy, stupid too,
You have no clue at all.

You're poetry, your writing skills,
Cannot compare to mine,
Your lame attempts, to make some sense,
Waves just like a sine.
I'm at a loss, I can't explain,
Incompetence doth rule,
Your rhyme and meter, they both suck,
Of you you make a fool.

You can't talk trash, you can't talk nice,
You worthless piece of shit,
You make me sick, please suck my dick,
I meant to say my clit.
You amateurs, you wannabees,
Pretenders one and all,
Pathetic, pissy, stupid too,
You have no clue at all.

You're poetry, your writing skills,
Cannot compare to mine,
Your lame attempts, to make some sense,
Waves just like a sine.
hickory dickory dock
zarabeth has a cock

the clock struck two
my dog blew his goo
after giving his wife a good fuck.

Buck, you're a complete rank amateur at poetry. That last line didn't rhyme. And your meter was ALL wrong.

You're a decent bully of non-racists in the politics section. Stay there, because you have no poetry skills.

I hope you did better in math class than English class.