- Ok. I'm running a 9 site Capp ebb and flow system with 40 gallons in the rez. I'm an experienced soil grower but this is my first hydro grow. I am using the Lucas with GH nutes. No ro but my well is around 250 ppm. I have a blue labs combo meter. Currently all plants look healthy.Week 3 of flower with Gdp and Sour Diesel. My question is this. I changed my rez, mixed my nutes and had a ppm of 950 (.5). Ph was about 6. I left for vaca for 5 days and when i returned my ppm is just over 100?!? What happened? How did it drop so much? And how should i change it? Rez change? Also... While we're here. Lol. My stoner persona doesn't understand how when running the same nute mix in the Lucas formula you are supposed to raise your ppm as the grow proceeds? Is this done by adding extra bennies? Lol. First question is a priority but would like help with both Anything you can add would also be appreciated! Thanks in advance!