California adds 30,000 new jobs last month

You're funny as hell, I guess since I didn't steal your car, I gave it to you, now you owe me. You're right it's about not taxing corporations enough, yes we all should give the government all our money, as they will use it so judiciously, to benefit it citizens.

Let me simplify this and provide you with an analogy that perhaps even you could understand. All i hear about on this site is how bad rippers are, well the bane of any outdoor grower is rippers and LEO. The consensus in pretty unanimous concerning them. Most feel they should be shot, beaten, left for dead, buried alive etc. Why are they so resoundingly hated? What makes them so horrid? Why do people think they should be shot, killed, and left for dead in the woods?

Oh yes, they're worthless pieces of shit, intent on stealing weed? How is this so bad?
They want to take from others what they did not create, they want to take what another worked so hard to make, they lost not a drop of sweat, but somehow feel entitled to what another had to work for? They want a piece of something they played no hand in growing, laboring, toiling over, or providing any sweat equity? But after the work has been done they feel as though they are "entitled" to what another man has worked for, but they have not. I could simply replace you, or illegals, or any descriptor in place of ripper, and it would describe you to a tee.

What the fuck you bring to the potluck? Didn't think so. But you somehow feel you're entitled to the fruits of anothers labor. Its not about political affiliation, its about being a fucking parasite with an overblown sense of entitlement. How could you, much like the ripper, not feel like a piece of shit, knowing that you want something you have no sweat equity in? Why would you want something you never earned, sacrificed, or worked for?

So if someone makes more money than I, I am somehow entitled to what they have? You're right, why should I have to hustle, when someone else can do it and I can just take from them...because I have no self respect, initiative, integrity or dignity. I'll just stand there with my outstretched arm waiting for my handout.

If ALL corporations are so evil and vile, why not be happy when they leave the country? Come to Detroit and see how things look once the corporations left. See what happened to the schools, the neighborhoods, the average workers salary. Ask the people here if it were better before or after they left. It has become a festering shithole, and guess what, the corporations aint here to blame.

That festering shit hole is your argument.

No logic anywhere in there. Ever heard of 'economics', possibly even taken a course or two?

I thought not.
That festering shit hole is your argument.

No logic anywhere in there. Ever heard of 'economics', possibly even taken a course or two?

I thought not.

Really? Answer me this one question, Detroit...better pre or post corporation? People earning a living wage, with a pension/retirement, decent schools, decent neighborhoods, sense of community. Or no jobs, huge unemployment rates, pensions unheard of, skyrocketing crime, whole neighborhoods becoming ghost towns, exceedingly high taxes, etc. Thank god those corporations have finally been chased away.
And btw I am no huge fan of the political leverage corporations have, but I am a realist. You can thank sweet willy clinton/nafta for much of the mass exodous of American jobs.

And for that cackling money whore Hillary...... “This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field,” she said in Australia in 2012. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.”

When it comes to protecting the American worker, the clintons record is less than stellar to say the least. Ooh, thats right, she now claims she is and never was for it, or she was for it, before she was against it...sounds like Kerry.
And btw I am no huge fan of the political leverage corporations have, but I am a realist. You can thank sweet willy clinton/nafta for much of the mass exodous of American jobs.

And for that cackling money whore Hillary...... “This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field,” she said in Australia in 2012. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.”

When it comes to protecting the American worker, the clintons record is less than stellar to say the least. Ooh, thats right, she now claims she is and never was for it, or she was for it, before she was against it...sounds like Kerry.

except for the fact that kerry never won the presidency in a massive electoral landslide.
Really? Answer me this one question, Detroit...better pre or post corporation? People earning a living wage, with a pension/retirement, decent schools, decent neighborhoods, sense of community. Or no jobs, huge unemployment rates, pensions unheard of, skyrocketing crime, whole neighborhoods becoming ghost towns, exceedingly high taxes, etc. Thank god those corporations have finally been chased away.

Derp. Check your timeline against corporate and non wage tax rates in this country and you'll find the correlation your puppet masters didn't want to tell you about.

Education much?
Ok, smart guy let me tell you about empirical data, tangible evidence, as well as first hand experience. What did these evil puppet master corporations provide for Detroit proper?

Just a concise list. With the corporations came prosperity for the workers, but beyond that they paid for after school programs, bought and maintained playgrounds and parks for children, sponsored youth athletics, sports, scholastic and after school programs. Provided volunteer and gave to food programs, paid huge property taxes that funded the schools, paid for scholarship and outreach programs, AA/drug dependency programs, free counseling programs, and on and on.

Now what? Jack shit. Though the shithole that it is, without the puppet masters, no one pays the taxes, thus, they are shifted onto the little guy. Detroit has the highest tax rates in the freaking nation.....but only once the vile puppet masters left. All the programs...over. The youth programs..done, the playgrounds and sports fields... overrun with weeds and gangbangers. Thank god the puppet masters are gone, fucking youth scholarships and contributions to schools and the VA are overrated anyhow. And this wonderful government you want to give all our money to? hasn't done jack shit but ruin the city. Strange, the government can't increase quality of life like the puppet masters did.
Ok, smart guy let me tell you about empirical data, tangible evidence, as well as first hand experience. What did these evil puppet master corporations provide for Detroit proper?

Just a concise list. With the corporations came prosperity for the workers, but beyond that they paid for after school programs, bought and maintained playgrounds and parks for children, sponsored youth athletics, sports, scholastic and after school programs. Provided volunteer and gave to food programs, paid huge property taxes that funded the schools, paid for scholarship and outreach programs, AA/drug dependency programs, free counseling programs, and on and on.

Now what? Jack shit. Though the shithole that it is, without the puppet masters, no one pays the taxes, thus, they are shifted onto the little guy. Detroit has the highest tax rates in the freaking nation.....but only once the vile puppet masters left. All the programs...over. The youth programs..done, the playgrounds and sports fields... overrun with weeds and gangbangers. Thank god the puppet masters are gone, fucking youth scholarships and contributions to schools and the VA are overrated anyhow. And this wonderful government you want to give all our money to? hasn't done jack shit but ruin the city. Strange, the government can't increase quality of life like the puppet masters did.

All those programs were paid for with TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS. Which of course don't get made if there aren't taxes to deduct.

Damn, you're stupid.
Are you out of your fucking mind? Ok, I'll take your word for it, I only lived it. Damn you're stupid, firstly many aren't tax deductable, secondly the fucking puppet masters provided all this, you whom hate the evil puppet masters are the type that doesn't even know enough to know that he doesn't know.

The facts are the town was prosperous due to the puppet masters, puppet masters turns to shit. Government is corrupt and continues to fuck over town.

You just are too stupid to admit it, puppet masters were extremely beneficial, and provided much more than your coveted government ever could. Ask those that lived and worked here their whole lives, but I'm sure you know better than them because you looked a stat up online. Ask anyone about the "ustabees" that they remember fondly, especially the oldtimers.

As in "ustabee" a time when kids could play in the streets and not worry about being shot, this ustabee a really nice working class neighborhood, this ustabee a great place to raise a family, you ustabee able to make a good living wage here and live comfortably, these schools ustabee some of the best in the state, ad nauseam.

ALL these ustabees provided to the citizens by whom?...The evil puppet master corporations. At least they provided the oldtimers with a pension they can survive on, vs. social security, but fear not, our state government just imposed new taxes on retirement accounts. Fucking fantastic, tax the elderly on pensions, but I guess thats the way your type wants it. Corporations provide what the government wont.
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No you didn't vote to raise the federal tobacco tax. It was tripled, your state may also raised taxes in addition to the federal increase though.

Really? Answer me this one question, Detroit...better pre or post corporation? People earning a living wage, with a pension/retirement, decent schools, decent neighborhoods, sense of community. Or no jobs, huge unemployment rates, pensions unheard of, skyrocketing crime, whole neighborhoods becoming ghost towns, exceedingly high taxes, etc. Thank god those corporations have finally been chased away.

And btw I am no huge fan of the political leverage corporations have, but I am a realist. You can thank sweet willy clinton/nafta for much of the mass exodous of American jobs.

And for that cackling money whore Hillary...... “This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field,” she said in Australia in 2012. “And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.”

When it comes to protecting the American worker, the clintons record is less than stellar to say the least. Ooh, thats right, she now claims she is and never was for it, or she was for it, before she was against it...sounds like Kerry.

Doesn't really make a difference either way, the die is cast.

Ok, smart guy let me tell you about empirical data, tangible evidence, as well as first hand experience. What did these evil puppet master corporations provide for Detroit proper?

Just a concise list. With the corporations came prosperity for the workers, but beyond that they paid for after school programs, bought and maintained playgrounds and parks for children, sponsored youth athletics, sports, scholastic and after school programs. Provided volunteer and gave to food programs, paid huge property taxes that funded the schools, paid for scholarship and outreach programs, AA/drug dependency programs, free counseling programs, and on and on.

Now what? Jack shit. Though the shithole that it is, without the puppet masters, no one pays the taxes, thus, they are shifted onto the little guy. Detroit has the highest tax rates in the freaking nation.....but only once the vile puppet masters left. All the programs...over. The youth programs..done, the playgrounds and sports fields... overrun with weeds and gangbangers. Thank god the puppet masters are gone, fucking youth scholarships and contributions to schools and the VA are overrated anyhow. And this wonderful government you want to give all our money to? hasn't done jack shit but ruin the city. Strange, the government can't increase quality of life like the puppet masters did.

Are you out of your fucking mind? Ok, I'll take your word for it, I only lived it. Damn you're stupid, firstly many aren't tax deductable, secondly the fucking puppet masters provided all this, you whom hate the evil puppet masters are the type that doesn't even know enough to know that he doesn't know.

The facts are the town was prosperous due to the puppet masters, puppet masters turns to shit. Government is corrupt and continues to fuck over town.

You just are too stupid to admit it, puppet masters were extremely beneficial, and provided much more than your coveted government ever could. Ask those that lived and worked here their whole lives, but I'm sure you know better than them because you looked a stat up online. Ask anyone about the "ustabees" that they remember fondly, especially the oldtimers.

As in "ustabee" a time when kids could play in the streets and not worry about being shot, this ustabee a really nice working class neighborhood, this ustabee a great place to raise a family, you ustabee able to make a good living wage here and live comfortably, these schools ustabee some of the best in the state, ad nauseam.

ALL these ustabees provided to the citizens by whom?...The evil puppet master corporations. At least they provided the oldtimers with a pension they can survive on, vs. social security, but fear not, our state government just imposed new taxes on retirement accounts. Fucking fantastic, tax the elderly on pensions, but I guess thats the way your type wants it. Corporations provide what the government wont.

Alex_jones_false_flag (1).png
Are you out of your fucking mind? Ok, I'll take your word for it, I only lived it. Damn you're stupid, firstly many aren't tax deductable, secondly the fucking puppet masters provided all this, you whom hate the evil puppet masters are the type that doesn't even know enough to know that he doesn't know.

The facts are the town was prosperous due to the puppet masters, puppet masters turns to shit. Government is corrupt and continues to fuck over town.

You just are too stupid to admit it, puppet masters were extremely beneficial, and provided much more than your coveted government ever could. Ask those that lived and worked here their whole lives, but I'm sure you know better than them because you looked a stat up online. Ask anyone about the "ustabees" that they remember fondly, especially the oldtimers.

As in "ustabee" a time when kids could play in the streets and not worry about being shot, this ustabee a really nice working class neighborhood, this ustabee a great place to raise a family, you ustabee able to make a good living wage here and live comfortably, these schools ustabee some of the best in the state, ad nauseam.

ALL these ustabees provided to the citizens by whom?...The evil puppet master corporations. At least they provided the oldtimers with a pension they can survive on, vs. social security, but fear not, our state government just imposed new taxes on retirement accounts. Fucking fantastic, tax the elderly on pensions, but I guess thats the way your type wants it. Corporations provide what the government wont.
Dude, you are spinning this too hard and you are going to break a spring. You can regurgitate all the crazy academic "floats all boats" or "supply side" economic theory you like. Leadership of this country has been steering the economy using that ideology for more than 60 years and what we've seen as a result is concentration of wealth in fewer people to the detriment of 90% of the people in this country. It is also hurting the infrastructure and health systems of this country.

You talk about decaying towns and infrastructure and neglect the fact that the trends you cry about are almost directly caused by the concentration of wealth into the hands of a few at the expense of those cities, children and infrastructure.

Supply side economics is a theory. When enough evidence is gathered to disprove a theory, it must be discarded. One need only look at California or Scandinavian countries to see economic actions that work better than the crap you propound.

Your ideas of benefits from low taxation in today's economy are like advocating for depriving food from a starving man in order to cure him. Because he obviously hasn't fasted long enough to get the health benefits expected from fasting. California has boldly put it's tax structures in place to re-invest a larger portion of corporate and wealthy people's profits back into education, infrastructure and health systems. The result is a world beating economic story that is the envy of low tax states.
By a vote, retard

Dude seriously, do you have some type of mental disorder, or are you just plain stupid. YOU DID NOT VOTE on the federal law to triple cigarette taxes. It is a highly regressive tax, which mainly affects those with low income. The poor foot the major portion of the tax increase. Its ok though, as long as the government gets to extract even more cash from the pockets of the poor...retard.
Dude seriously, do you have some type of mental disorder, or are you just plain stupid. YOU DID NOT VOTE on the federal law to triple cigarette taxes. It is a highly regressive tax, which mainly affects those with low income. The poor foot the major portion of the tax increase. Its ok though, as long as the government gets to extract even more cash from the pockets of the poor...retard.

Quit smoking, problem solved.

Did you get that $118,500. cap lifted of SS yet, you seemed awfully worried about it not being solvent yesterday.

Run along now.
"You talk about decaying towns and infrastructure and neglect the fact that the trends you cry about are almost directly caused by the concentration of wealth into the hands of a few at the expense of those cities, children and infrastructure."

Actually, just the opposite, there now is no wealth. There was a time "puppet master duration" when wealth was spread throughout the communities. Now "post puppet master" there is none. This is fact. I be sure to relay your message to all the inhabitants in the D though. I'll tell them that those evil puppet masters that pay your pension, that helped put your kids in good schools and paid for their college education, provided you with a livable income, well they were all bad. They were your puppet masters, you just were too fucking ignorant to know it.

See, economic theory contradicts, your real world experience. Now that the corporations have left, things are better for you. You have crumbling streets now, when you didn't before, you have substandard schools, when before they were not, you have zero opportunities now when before you did. This whole downfall is merely an illusion, and you are better off without the puppet masters and the jobs, money, education, and opportunities they provided to you.

Now, go fix your own potholes in the streets, shovel the streets in the winter because the city can't afford to do so, leave your lights on because the city cant afford to pay for the electricity for street lights, buy a firearm because the police can't protect you or your neighborhood. Yep, things are better now.
Now go put on your Mcdonalds uniform and flip those fucking burgers making minimum, with no benefits. Thank god the corporations left. Trust me, I read on the internet you are now free from your masters. LOL
"You talk about decaying towns and infrastructure and neglect the fact that the trends you cry about are almost directly caused by the concentration of wealth into the hands of a few at the expense of those cities, children and infrastructure."

Actually, just the opposite, there now is no wealth. There was a time "puppet master duration" when wealth was spread throughout the communities. Now "post puppet master" there is none. This is fact. I be sure to relay your message to all the inhabitants in the D though. I'll tell them that those evil puppet masters that pay your pension, that helped put your kids in good schools and paid for their college education, provided you with a livable income, well they were all bad. They were your puppet masters, you just were too fucking ignorant to know it.

See, economic theory contradicts, your real world experience. Now that the corporations have left, things are better for you. You have crumbling streets now, when you didn't before, you have substandard schools, when before they were not, you have zero opportunities now when before you did. This whole downfall is merely an illusion, and you are better off without the puppet masters and the jobs, money, education, and opportunities they provided to you.

Now, go fix your own potholes in the streets, shovel the streets in the winter because the city can't afford to do so, leave your lights on because the city cant afford to pay for the electricity for street lights, buy a firearm because the police can't protect you or your neighborhood. Yep, things are better now.
Now go put on your Mcdonalds uniform and flip those fucking burgers making minimum, with no benefits. Thank god the corporations left. Trust me, I read on the internet you are now free from your masters. LOL

You never heard of industrial modernization?

I started at a steel mill with 1800 employees. 39 yrs. later 250 employees who produced 150% tons per hr. more with 15% the original amount people. They bought new machines that needed less people to run them.

Not all jobs left the country, they just left. Modernization. Look it up, study it, and then...

"You talk about decaying towns and infrastructure and neglect the fact that the trends you cry about are almost directly caused by the concentration of wealth into the hands of a few at the expense of those cities, children and infrastructure."

Actually, just the opposite, there now is no wealth. There was a time "puppet master duration" when wealth was spread throughout the communities. Now "post puppet master" there is none. This is fact. I be sure to relay your message to all the inhabitants in the D though. I'll tell them that those evil puppet masters that pay your pension, that helped put your kids in good schools and paid for their college education, provided you with a livable income, well they were all bad. They were your puppet masters, you just were too fucking ignorant to know it.

See, economic theory contradicts, your real world experience. Now that the corporations have left, things are better for you. You have crumbling streets now, when you didn't before, you have substandard schools, when before they were not, you have zero opportunities now when before you did. This whole downfall is merely an illusion, and you are better off without the puppet masters and the jobs, money, education, and opportunities they provided to you.

Now, go fix your own potholes in the streets, shovel the streets in the winter because the city can't afford to do so, leave your lights on because the city cant afford to pay for the electricity for street lights, buy a firearm because the police can't protect you or your neighborhood. Yep, things are better now.
Now go put on your Mcdonalds uniform and flip those fucking burgers making minimum, with no benefits. Thank god the corporations left. Trust me, I read on the internet you are now free from your masters. LOL
Umm, what planet did you say you came from?

What economic theory are you talking about?

On your planet did the corporations build a cross continent highway system, bridges, schools, subsidize the build-out of the power grid and clean water supplies? Was this perhaps a libertarian system? On this planet, libertarian ideas are completely unproven and the "theory", for what it's worth, is pretty much a belief in market forces rather than anything proven.

In this country, infrastructure was built by the government, either directly or indirectly and funded by taxes. At that time, 30% of government revenue came from corporate taxes. Ever since supply side economics (look up voodoo economics) were introduced, corporations have paid less of their share for using this infrastructure. The wealthy of this country (yes, there are wealthy people on this planet, some even live in the US) are contributing much less in taxes than at the time the country invested in infrastructure. Now, they are living off the benefits of the works of the past without supporting repair and replacing worn out parts of the system. Farmers would call that eating your seed corn.
You never heard of industrial modernization?

I started at a steel mill with 1800 employees. 39 yrs. later 250 employees who produced 150% tons per hr. more with 15% the original amount people. They bought new machines that needed less people to run them.

Not all jobs left the country, they just left. Modernization. Look it up, study it, and then...

Really, damn you are a genius. Simple stat, over a quarter of a million jobs were lost in Michigan alone due to nafta, not modernization. Once again spew your theories, and I'll provide you with facts.

Unemployment rates skyrocketed to well over 25% when the puppet masters migrated to juarez Mexico.

As for infrastructure, the gov. Doesn't build shit, the American worker does, yes, paid with tax dollars by corporation's, and of course by the puppets that were paying taxes because they made decent wages, paid for by whom? The corporations of course.

Without the corporation's, no fucking good paying jobs, no tax base, no investment in communities, no tax dollars, =Detroit. Of course, to compensate for the "mans" departure the local gov. I Increases taxes prohibitively high, the inhabitants, just like the puppet masters leave town turns to shit.

As for concentration of wealth in this country, of course there is, as a matter of fact under obama it has never been greater in the history of this country. But, unlike you, I don't see others that have more money than I, and feel that I somehow deserve or am entitled to what they own. You want to be wealthy, make more money? Go fucking hustle, start your own business, work 16 hours a day and reinvest your profits to grow your company. Get off your ass and quit coveting what others have and make your own. Lot easier to sit on this forum and bitch about what others have and attempt to fid ways to take what they have for yourself, you know, because you derseve it, and your mother told you you were special.
Really, damn you are a genius. Simple stat, over a quarter of a million jobs were lost in Michigan alone due to nafta, not modernization. Once again spew your theories, and I'll provide you with facts.

Unemployment rates skyrocketed to well over 25% when the puppet masters migrated to juarez Mexico.

As for infrastructure, the gov. Doesn't build shit, the American worker does, yes, paid with tax dollars by corporation's, and of course by the puppets that were paying taxes because they made decent wages, paid for by whom? The corporations of course.

Without the corporation's, no fucking good paying jobs, no tax base, no investment in communities, no tax dollars, =Detroit. Of course, to compensate for the "mans" departure the local gov. I Increases taxes prohibitively high, the inhabitants, just like the puppet masters leave town turns to shit.

As for concentration of wealth in this country, of course there is, as a matter of fact under obama it has never been greater in the history of this country. But, unlike you, I don't see others that have more money than I, and feel that I somehow deserve or am entitled to what they own. You want to be wealthy, make more money? Go fucking hustle, start your own business, work 16 hours a day and reinvest your profits to grow your company. Get off your ass and quit coveting what others have and make your own. Lot easier to sit on this forum and bitch about what others have and attempt to fid ways to take what they have for yourself, you know, because you derseve it, and your mother told you you were special.

so let me see if i have this right: it is the fault of the puppet masters that you have no job, and it is also your fault because you are too lazy to bootstrap a successful business into existence?