Well-Known Member
You're funny as hell, I guess since I didn't steal your car, I gave it to you, now you owe me. You're right it's about not taxing corporations enough, yes we all should give the government all our money, as they will use it so judiciously, to benefit it citizens.
Let me simplify this and provide you with an analogy that perhaps even you could understand. All i hear about on this site is how bad rippers are, well the bane of any outdoor grower is rippers and LEO. The consensus in pretty unanimous concerning them. Most feel they should be shot, beaten, left for dead, buried alive etc. Why are they so resoundingly hated? What makes them so horrid? Why do people think they should be shot, killed, and left for dead in the woods?
Oh yes, they're worthless pieces of shit, intent on stealing weed? How is this so bad?
They want to take from others what they did not create, they want to take what another worked so hard to make, they lost not a drop of sweat, but somehow feel entitled to what another had to work for? They want a piece of something they played no hand in growing, laboring, toiling over, or providing any sweat equity? But after the work has been done they feel as though they are "entitled" to what another man has worked for, but they have not. I could simply replace you, or illegals, or any descriptor in place of ripper, and it would describe you to a tee.
What the fuck you bring to the potluck? Didn't think so. But you somehow feel you're entitled to the fruits of anothers labor. Its not about political affiliation, its about being a fucking parasite with an overblown sense of entitlement. How could you, much like the ripper, not feel like a piece of shit, knowing that you want something you have no sweat equity in? Why would you want something you never earned, sacrificed, or worked for?
So if someone makes more money than I, I am somehow entitled to what they have? You're right, why should I have to hustle, when someone else can do it and I can just take from them...because I have no self respect, initiative, integrity or dignity. I'll just stand there with my outstretched arm waiting for my handout.
If ALL corporations are so evil and vile, why not be happy when they leave the country? Come to Detroit and see how things look once the corporations left. See what happened to the schools, the neighborhoods, the average workers salary. Ask the people here if it were better before or after they left. It has become a festering shithole, and guess what, the corporations aint here to blame.
That festering shit hole is your argument.
No logic anywhere in there. Ever heard of 'economics', possibly even taken a course or two?
I thought not.