Hillary admits trying to silence Jualian Assange & Wiki Leaks

Here's some truth bro dig in:
The whole world is laughing at Donald Trump in SNL’s new debate sketch

Wait!!!! You mean the maintstream media that has been proven to be colluding with the Clinton campaign (because they are major corporate business) - That is one of the ironic parts. Is making fun of Trump???

I am shocked!!!

Go back to your sitcom reruns and the last edition of GTA... Nothing to see here....
Oh that's right, I forgot. "The donald" denied these allegations too, and we all know that he's a man of his word. :roll:

No, I heard from another source about a 3rd party being in the room during the same discussion and the question not coming up.

The president doesnt just get some red button to press whenever he is pissed off. Obama would have used it on the Republican congress by now if that was the case.
Wait!!!! You mean the maintstream media that has been proven to be colluding with the Clinton campaign (because they are major corporate business) - That is one of the ironic parts. Is making fun of Trump???

I am shocked!!!

Go back to your sitcom reruns and the last edition of GTA... Nothing to see here....
Reality check.SNL is a live show that comments on current affairs. Its been going for 25years plus, its introduced folks who became the most influential comedians in the world.

Nlx youre a childish fool. Everyone is conspiring against trump except breitbarf and stormfront?
Obama has wisdom he didnt need a nuke option. He could observe the republican party rotting from the inside out, destroying itself. Trump is the dirty bomb.
Reality check.SNL is a live show that comments on current affairs. Its been going for 25years plus, its introduced folks who became the most influential comedians in the world.

Nlx youre a childish fool. Everyone is conspiring against trump except breitbarf and stormfront?

I am simply pointing out what is becoming obvious from e-mails. How does this make me foolish? You not being able to follow the money trail seems ironic for someone throwing around words like foolish.

Hillary is corrupt and a liar. That is enough for me to never vote for or support her. You can deflect to trump all you want but he did not rig the system and he is not a political insider.

The only candidate that has not been bought and paid for in my lifetime is Trump. Say what you want but at least he would do what he thought was right if he gets the vote in November. I can live with that.
I am simply pointing out what is becoming obvious from e-mails. How does this make me foolish? You not being able to follow the money trail seems ironic for someone throwing around words like foolish.

Hillary is corrupt and a liar. That is enough for me to never vote for or support her. You can deflect to trump all you want but he did not rig the system and he is not a political insider.

The only candidate that has not been bought and paid for in my lifetime is Trump. Say what you want but at least he would do what he thought was right if he gets the vote in November. I can live with that.
Youre plainly foolish to assert that the media, including snl is conspiring.
I am simply pointing out what is becoming obvious from e-mails. How does this make me foolish? You not being able to follow the money trail seems ironic for someone throwing around words like foolish.

Hillary is corrupt and a liar. That is enough for me to never vote for or support her. You can deflect to trump all you want but he did not rig the system and he is not a political insider.

The only candidate that has not been bought and paid for in my lifetime is Trump. Say what you want but at least he would do what he thought was right if he gets the vote in November. I can live with that.

you literally prove that all of trump's support comes from uneducated, racist white males.
I am impressed that you care what i assert or do not assert regarding HIllary's campaign...

The truth is the truth, no matter what your opinion is.
Say what you want but at least he would do what he thought was right if he gets the vote in November. I can live with that.

Probably the most unqualified major party (or any party) presidential candidate in American history, but hey, at least he would do what he thought was right? And you can live with that? It's a good thing that a significant majority of Americans can't.

"I love the poorly educated!"
-donnie the loser
Do you know what a <loss> is?

Additionally, it was the 1040, which is summary of schedules.

What does @UncleBuck say you do? Clean pools? Don't quit your day job.

LOL!!!! Donald Trump doesnt file a 1040... His taxes are hundreds upon hundreds of pages. The payroll taxes I was referring to are for the tens of thousands of employees. He had to pay those regardless of if he made or lost money.

What you and Hillary are unhappy about is that he wasnt double taxed on money... Kinda like your ex husband...