Clinton Foundations Money Laundering scams exposed in depth.


Well-Known Member
Hillary Clinton's job at the time as sec of state was to oversee the Haitian crisis,anybody who watches the VICE program posted above,then still defends Hillary Clinton's ability to manage anything,that person is a complete & total brain dead moron,Hillary spent $13 million on a soccer field in a swamp & $100 million on 2,000 mansions for her friends at the UN,complete with swimming pools no Haitian has ever seen.
Doesn't letting people know that you were Panhead, kind of defeat the purpose of the new sock?


Well-Known Member
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 44th president of the United States of America. Start saying that a few times each day and you'll start the healing process..
Why do you want more of Obama's mass failure?

Why do you want more scumbag lying "Democrats"?


Well-Known Member
  1. 1.
    the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
    "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"
    synonyms: proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, attestation
  1. 1.
    be or show evidence of.
    "that it has been populated from prehistoric times is evidenced by the remains of Neolithic buildings"


Well-Known Member
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 44th president of the United States of America. Start saying that a few times each day and you'll start the healing process..
So were you always a dirty shill supporter; or only after sanders became a dirty shill supporter?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 44th president of the United States of America. Start saying that a few times each day Hillary will start the Stealing process..
That's more factual than your nonsense ,the inability of the radical left here ( you,zedd,buck etc ) to post a single explanation for the gross corruption shows people who you are.


Well-Known Member
  1. 1.
    the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
    "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"
    synonyms: proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, attestation
  1. 1.
    be or show evidence of.
    "that it has been populated from prehistoric times is evidenced by the remains of Neolithic buildings"
Which evidence would you like?

Bitch has been lying for 20 plus years; where have you been? :D


Well-Known Member
That's more factual than your nonsense ,the inability of the radical left here ( you,zedd,buck etc ) to post a single explanation for the gross corruption shows people who you are.

wow wow!!

I am radical left; hillary clowns are conservative cucks.

hillary is about as far from the left as you can get. Trump is more liberal than clinton; by a long shot.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
  1. 1.
    the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
    "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"
    synonyms: proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, attestation
  1. 1.
    be or show evidence of.
    "that it has been populated from prehistoric times is evidenced by the remains of Neolithic buildings"
Presented for you,E V I D E N C E of Clinton corruption,now you should be able to produce the evidence clearing Hillary of responsibility ,but you can't :bigjoint:


Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
In the real world, Trump has no chance. He drove his campaign six feet under when he stood next to Clinton at the first debate and opened his fat frog like mouth.

In 17 days, Trump will give his concession speech. I don't know what you allow to leak through into your world but the real world will see President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton accept his congratulations. You on the other hand will be left with bitterness and alone in your delusion.

You are welcome.
not a single valid response from you backing up your position with any facts in months,no sense continuing to engage you,I can post proven fact without you .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
wow wow!!

I am radical left; hillary clowns are conservative cucks.

hillary is about as far from the left as you can get. Trump is more liberal than clinton; by a long shot.
Never met you dude so idk what your views are & didn't include you in my post,the 3 I did name I'm positive are incapable of posting facts or posting anything but off topic rants,I've put most of them on ignore anyway .


Well-Known Member
Presented for you,E V I D E N C E of Clinton corruption,now you should be able to produce the evidence clearing Hillary of responsibility ,but you can't :bigjoint:

Note the warning label on the video. "This video is produced for entertainment. Any characters or statements made in this video are fictional. Any representations of people or situations in this video are not intended to represent actual people."

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Doesn't letting people know that you were Panhead, kind of defeat the purpose of the new sock?
Lol like you weren't aware staff accessed my panhead account & changed personal info,making the account impossible to access.

Its kinda hard to be a sock when you PM every mod & tell them who you are isn't it ?

Poor attempt at an eye poke & fairly sad from you ,alas those without any real evidence to back their position insults are the rules for radicals .


Well-Known Member
A part of the definition of evidence included the word facts.

It is a fact that everybody lies. You've been lying your whole life. So has Clinton.

What was your point, again?

I have been lying my whole life?
I stopped lying years ago brother. Really quite easy; for an adult with morals.

Does that make you feel validated in voting for a woman that helps blows limbs off children?


Well-Known Member
A part of the definition of evidence included the word facts.

It is a fact that everybody lies. You've been lying your whole life. So has Clinton.

What was your point, again?

says the fake cannabis advocate; voting for a known Prohibitionist. Go to be kiddo ;)

"Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke out against legalizing marijuana in a paid speech, hacked emails from her campaign show."

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I have been lying my whole life?
I stopped lying years ago brother. Really quite easy; for an adult with morals.

Does that make you feel validated in voting for a woman that helps blows limbs off children?
all you'll hear for a response is George Bush posturing from him,the fact is Americans are sick of war while thinking Bush,Obama & Hillary should hang for the global death they've all caused .

All 3 are war criminals & should be hung by the neck until dead.