Treehugginggirls Organic Lasgna Gardening Thread


watchout my first attempt as a true organic gardener

um, ok?
organic lasagna?
i hope that's not a layering concept?
Sorry folks I think I rushed her a little and she had a long ass week. To answer at least my answer is kinda, my dumb ass named it for her so not her fault LOL but we have been fully organic for 20 years, no pesticides, no chemicals just natural solutions, we only plant in composted materials stacked over time, found every way imaginable to trellis and grow vertically. We rotate every crop every season, just building great soil for great vegetables yummy. Plus she will pretty much grow in anything I can put holes into for drainage. LOL. She will be Master Gardener certified by summer, just shy the volunteer hours we couldn't afford for her to do before, so time for the misses to do what she loves, Playin in the dirt. I thought she could share some thing is all.
Sorry folks I think I rushed her a little and she had a long ass week. To answer at least my answer is kinda, my dumb ass named it for her so not her fault LOL but we have been fully organic for 20 years, no pesticides, no chemicals just natural solutions, we only plant in composted materials stacked over time, found every way imaginable to trellis and grow vertically. We rotate every crop every season, just building great soil for great vegetables yummy. Plus she will pretty much grow in anything I can put holes into for drainage. LOL. She will be Master Gardener certified by summer, just shy the volunteer hours we couldn't afford for her to do before, so time for the misses to do what she loves, Playin in the dirt. I thought she could share some thing is all.
a fellow Composter!
i see.
Good to hear, help spread the word that paying for bottled nutrients when others are throwing away their grass and leaves is just crazy.
NOTHING works on a garden quite like a good compost, especially if you boost it up a lil.
I swear the growth even rivals hydroponic chelated grows
and the tasty end result is vastly superior.
hell I've grown cuts from my friends and the end result is so different than there hydro grows that I've had two friends not believe me when i said it was their clone.
sugar punch, and purple paralysis to be specific.