A Bad Seed Story


Well-Known Member
Hi All , about 6 months ago, i was browsing seed banks & came across a red hot promo, from 1 of the largest banks in the U.K, so i placed an order, when it was dispatched i noticed no tracking numba, which i quearied, they said it gets thru customs better............4 days later i placed another order as the deal was so good, well neither of those ever made it, so resends were put in place & suposedly sent days apart, & yep , no tracking numba, & yep never saw a thing, so i contacted them, & all they said was , well when you place your next order well give ya 20 free fem beans..............not sure what planet he's on, my usual supplier always has a tracking numba & ive never missed, .........The old story if it sounds to good to be true..............& i never got any letters from the officals, nothing at all
My point is IMO if it costs you a few more $$$ for a tracking numba , go for it, then you at least know its left the country, & bye the way its probably the largest seed bank in the U.K



Well-Known Member
Herbies has always come through. They don't provide tracking to certain areas because it draws more attention.

They will show up. How long has it been?


Well-Known Member
Well maybe i was just shit outta luck & fed a posty who can reconize there parcels, but back to my usual U.K bank & no probs, ( with tracking numba )...........Im glad your parcels arrive safely, & yes the company does have a good reputation, but the score with me is 4 zip,...........happy gardening



Well-Known Member
I've had the random package not arrive from various places and not get a letter. Maybe email them again and let them know you a member on a grow site and resending would go a long ways to show customer support and you would say such on the website. Never know. Like I said they replaced bad beans once and the second time resent the whole order with extra freebies. Hate you fell through the cracks.
Well maybe i was just shit outta luck & fed a posty who can reconize there parcels, but back to my usual U.K bank & no probs, ( with tracking numba )...........Im glad your parcels arrive safely, & yes the company does have a good reputation, but the score with me is 4 zip,...........happy gardening


Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I've been on site a decade & watched hundreds of new members join,then start negative threads about one seed bank or another,after a day or so 99.9% of those new members dissapear from the site forever,I'm not saying the OP didn't get fucked,there's no way for me to know that,just be wary of all unknown new members who post threads bashing any seed bank or breeder .

Its cheaper for small breeders to join pot sites bashing others then it is for them to purchase ad space,its a known issue .


Well-Known Member
Point taken I.E.B, but please dont put me in that basket............im also currently involved on this site in a thread about Colloidal Silver, & a seed breeding program ( not sure id worry about that if i worked for a bank ) & im getting lots of help

Im not bagging the company, my point is all about the tracking numba, then you at least know , the officals in your country are to blame.............but yes what you say thru expeience, makes a lot of sence..............im only telling it the way it is.............& if i wanted to promote a bank i would have named my regular one, but i havnt, with respect


Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Point taken I.E.B, but please dont put me in that basket............im also currently involved on this site in a thread about Colloidal Silver, & a seed breeding program ( not sure id worry about that if i worked for a bank ) & im getting lots of help

Im not bagging the company, my point is all about the tracking numba, then you at least know , the officals in your country are to blame.............but yes what you say thru expeience, makes a lot of sence..............im only telling it the way it is.............& if i wanted to promote a bank i would have named my regular one, but i havnt, with respect

fair enough bro, fair enough ,unfortunately a few years back when the site exploded & grew we had a flood of seed bank shills running each other into the ground,which only scares people from buying from anybody,anyhow welcome & I hope you get resolution,IMO irregardless of customs seizures seeds cost breeders about a penny each seed & seized orders should receive full refunds minus shipping costs,its good business not to leave angry or let down customers .

I can tell by your response to me your not a seed bank shill & I happen to believe your dilemma,i hope it works out,if it does please post the resolution in an update .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I've had the random package not arrive from various places and not get a letter. Maybe email them again and let them know you a member on a grow site and resending would go a long ways to show customer support and you would say such on the website. Never know. Like I said they replaced bad beans once and the second time resent the whole order with extra freebies. Hate you fell through the cracks.
I kinda think the OP is on the level & was unlucky with customs,you've been here long enough to spot the shills as I have,his comments really don't fit the normal shill pattern,anyhow as you & others have said Herbie's does good sales with members,hopefully somebody at Herbie's will riead this & hook him up with new gear or refund,the 1 time customs hammered me the breeder refunded my cash after the 3rd failed attempt to send me clones,I hope it works out for him .


Well-Known Member
I kinda think the OP is on the level & was unlucky with customs,you've been here long enough to spot the shills as I have,his comments really don't fit the normal shill pattern,anyhow as you & others have said Herbie's does good sales with members,hopefully somebody at Herbie's will riead this & hook him up with new gear or refund,the 1 time customs hammered me the breeder refunded my cash after the 3rd failed attempt to send me clones,I hope it works out for him .
I think op is legit to. Just bad luck. It happens from time to time even with the best seed banks.


Well-Known Member
As soon as he stated they said they would give him freebies on his NEXT order, I knew it was herbies they absolutely fantastically fucked me over also.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the long story, but this is what they did to me.

So, I ordered from Herbies and paid the extra for insured shipping just in case my order was lost or damaged. When I received my package, two of my seeds were broken. I contacted them several times and told them the seeds were broken with pieces of the seed coats scattered on the bottom of the baggie and one seed you could actually see the embryo through the broken seed coat. I then received no reply from them.

I then looked on the FAQ section of their website and it clearly states that if you have received broken seeds, or if you are unsatisfied you must send the seeds BACK TO THEM so you may receive replacement seeds or a refund.

I then promptly sent the seeds back to heries per their written istructions. I then got an E-mail from Herbies stating they would not replace my broken seeds due to the fact that when they received them, THEY WERE BROKEN! WTF?! They won't refund broken seeds due to the fact they were broken? They then said they would be unable to tell if they were broken in transit, or if they were broken when I received them. Once again WTF?! Who would go through all the trouble of ordering seeds, along with the added costs of insurance just to return the seeds?

After another E-mail they then told me I should've taken a picture of the seeds, sent the picture to them, then they would have replaced my broken seeds. Once again I responded to them with their instructions, from their FAQ section, on their website:

"My seeds are damaged/faulty, what should I do?
In the highly unlikely event that an item sent to you is found to be faulty, you may send it back to us for a replacement. We will refund the cost of sending the item back to us."

So, what do these lying penises do next? They then send me an E-mail stating that THEIR PRINTED instructions are incorrect, their website needs to be changed, and even though I followed THEIR instructions, on THEIR website to the freaking letter, THEIR instructions are wrong, and therefore it is somehow my fault, and they will not refund my seeds. WTF!??

To piss me off even more, they then stated that even though I paid extra and they will not refund my seeds, if i make ANOTHER ORDER through them, they will throw in free random seeds. Like I would ever give these lying assholes another dime after they screwed me the first time.

To warn all others just make sure that if you do order through them, DO NOT send the seeds back, like their website still states, take a pic and send it to them. If not they won't return your broken seeds, because the received them broken of course.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the support guys, .............& Granola, im with u, but ive enough beans to get me going............& thats also why im interested in trying to produce my own

Hey its all good, but just but, maybe someone from HERBIES does read the thread ...........after all they are a buisness, & were the customer, arnt we
