Opinions on defoliation in scrog


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what everyones take on chopping leaves and small colas under the net also about chopping leaves BC it looks too bunched up?? Let's hear what y'all got to say.


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What's ur take on leaves that are bunching up and crushed together
try to spread/train the plant so those leaves get light, out door the sun moves so all the leaves over a day would get sun but indoor they sit in one place. they make light movers to remedy that.
Plants leaves do not see light as we do. Meaning those shadows our eyes see are not seen by plants. PAR light passes through the leaves even in shaded areas. The leaves only capture a small amount of the light or energy thats passes through them. The rest continues on to the next leaf, visibly shaded or not. Penetration depth depends on the type and intensity of light used. I would let the plant decide on which leaves it wants. It will shed those that are not contributing to the plants growth. Only trim the under growth as needed for air circulation.
For air flow thru the canopy...I always remove the lower leaves that are over lapping and bunched together...
They need to breath.. par light does penetrate thru leaves but not 4 or 5 stacked together.. look at the lower growth..
does it look like it's getting light? remove the small bud sites you don't want... it transfers energy upwards...