$toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow


Well-Known Member
why are people always killing there hermies if they can just remove the male pollen sacs and still get great buds???


Well-Known Member
that bb i had had a few herme spots . got afew seeds here and there. but it was still extrmely resinous and could not fini a joint, forget all that other shit.its all part of growing. hell this feminized orange bud had a few sax come up wile i amv flowering presently. i t will still be excellent weed . just dont plant the seeds.thats it.if aot of male flowers begain to develope
on one branch remove the branch, big time.


Well-Known Member
why are people always killing there hermies if they can just remove the male pollen sacs and still get great buds???
Sometimes the male pollen sac will be way up in the bud where you cant see it. What then? All of the hermaphrodites Ive found so far Ive thrown them away


Well-Known Member
stay tuned I guess and we will ride this one out to the end folks, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:evil:


Well-Known Member
hes just doing a few plants . no since on throwing away money.
you could still 300.0 ooz with or without hermes. i have had them pollinate in a bud also but, i believe the seeds are from him pollenating the female with a male to early 5 days ago, he threw the male out wen he found that out. thats where the seeds are probably from. there are still million more flowers to grow thats wy i said just keep an eye on it.:roll:


Well-Known Member
hey stoney hows it goin, just surfin around to see if alls well. once they take off good fowering that other shit will pretty much stop. hell ive gotten a few seeds in my shit severa times . just a few, aint gonna hurt nuthin.:hump:


Well-Known Member
weird shit, I picked off the few male flowers and I haven't seen anymore but I will definately keep a close eye on them . That is so crazy but they are still producing mad hairs so??????:weed:

Pictures in a couple days, I promise I just don't want to put a bunch of pictures on here that look the same as yesterdays , as it is kind of redundant to do that!!


Well-Known Member
i picked off a few male saks off mine in the beginning of flowering . i see them more wen igrow than not.most of the time its just those few, thats it. But sometimes i will see some flowers wen the bud is finishing, wich is never a problem.


Well-Known Member
here are some pics . A few that I tried to get close ups. They look better than my last ones so hopefully you will like them. I am not real worried about those few male flowers as I do not think they did anything ??? YOU LOOK!!!!:weed:



Well-Known Member
get a little bushier evey day. mine are really moving along to. funny we both started flower. at the same time. :clap:beautiful plants


Well-Known Member
raiderman if you got some OB pics you sould come post them in my journal. Theres a few other people growing orange bud right now. You are growing OB, right?


Well-Known Member
check it... I grew DP BB from seed before cuz I wanted the real deal and heres the info. Blueberry is a slightly hermie plant, i went through about 15 females and picked the best to clone from. They sell it anyway cuz its bomb as fuck even if ya gotta pick some seeds/male flowers. Dont plant the seeds you do get cuz they will be even more hermie. Did you label the clones you took? Cuz ya know they say to go through xx amount females to get a good one to clone from, that goes with any strain! So dont worry youre doing right by pickin tha bannaners... It looks like you got all the more sativa pheno, the indica pheno has less seeds and more yield, but the sativa is more sweet and indica more skunky.. but both very fruity, and if youre lucky will smell exactly like and taste like BB. good grow so far just dont fuck up the cure process.....

- C


Well-Known Member
Ya they do have pretty much all the Sativa pheno but one is alot shorter than the others probably the indica pheno. I hope that I don't fuck up the cure ., Should not have a problem with everyones help right ?????

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Guys----use the DUTCH MASTER REVERSE------it works-------one shot in the begging of flowering---that's it!!!---no more pollen sacs. You want to deal with a real Hermie monster????????---Try the fem train-wreck from any breeder-----it's like a drag queen convention gone wild.