Great. Hard to know what every type of nute is or does like knowing what each of the 3000 or more strains of pot is or does.
But Humbolt I can understand without worries because if you don't know that name and history then go grow tomatoes!
I'm wanting to do some plants in decent organics from the bottle in ProMix and if I could get Humbolt here I'd jump on it. Tried Earth Juice and didn't have decent results and my efforts with the GoBox from General Organics/GH/Mon$atan were pretty crappy too. Not ready to give up on some organic growing just because it has been less than productive for me as it does seem to be a little tastier and the feel good aura about consuming organics doesn't hurt either.
What really pisses me off is organic fundamentalists that equate hydroponic nutes to the world of really nasty chemicals like Glyphosate. The main weed killer in Roundup.
Nutrient salts are what our plants feed on whether they come from pure salts in the water, hydro, or the salts that the bacteria, fungi and other beneficial organisms in the soil toil to make to produce what your plants need for food. Salts.
We also need many salts to live as does everything that can be called life on the planet. Get low on potassium and you'll have a heart attack. Too much sodium and your blood pressure will go through the roof and you'll stroke out.
Low levels of many salts cause us and every living thing on this earth to suffer and die. High levels of the salts does the same thing. Luckily living organisms have evolved methods of maintaining the right levels to keep them healthy.
I'm liking the pot I grow using a blend of ProMix HP and their organically enhanced potting soils and vegetable and herb blends. All with Myco added to to keep the bennies going. Doesn't hurt them to use good hydro nutes to give my plants the boost they need to grow faster and better. The more growing I do like that the better I understand the big picture. The few friends I have that I share my produce with always clamor for more as they are disappointed with street pot and/or what they can get from the legal producers our government has set up.
What works for one is disaster for another. Just like the strains of pot that heals my ills may do squat for the next guy even tho he may have the same problems as me. It's a real crap shoot and the main reason so many doctors are reluctant to sign off for pot here in Canada. They don't get trained for anything other that what comes from Big Pharma and just a few have the curiosity and balls to go against the tide.
What they don't seem to understand that most of what they are willing to prescribe may kill you whereas pot has never killed anyone.