another bryan o,conner post ! man now what ? regs vs female

So if you are buying more seeds what does it matter? That was my point.

Got any pics of the herms you had out of fem seed? what strains and what breeders were they?

I agree with hydrored. You are talking circles.

You are just repeating forum myth and don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Yep. When losing an argument based in fact ( hermi threads, evidence etc.) Then resort to credibility attacks and personal insult.

Talking in circles? If i am it is only because fem seed defence arguments are taking my replies around in circles. But my point has not changed..
This is what every fem seed user comes up with for a defence. It cant be the seed it must be your growing technique. And it is so pathetic...

If that were true wouldnt we be getting hermies from our reg seeds too then?

I have had one reg seed hermie in i dont know how many grows. It was my fault. I fucked up the lights. It was my second grow ever. Never had a hermie since. My regs do fine in the environment they are in. More than fine, in fact. But three fem grows for me and three hermies.

That suggests to me that fem seeds are in fact more prone to herming.

But that is just me. What about everybody else? Well... hermi thread after hermi thread here in rui we have the same scenario as mine.

That is all the evidence i need to know.

And when presented with this evidence the fem seed defenders always fall back on the "there is no scientific proof that fem seeds should hermie any more than reg seeds". And somehow they forget that there is no scientific proof of the opposite that... that fem seeds should not hermie any more than reg seeds.

So that argument is a wash. So fuckin bury it.

But at the end of the day what there is... is hermi thread after hermi thread that came from fem seeds...and not only on this site. Others too.

So fem seed hermi deniers are like climate change deniers. No proof of climate change but yet all kinds of evidence everywhere..yet they still deny...

***slow head shake***
You start these threads for what?

I just called you out in the other thread. You called seeds farmers have to buy year after year fem seeds.

That is not true. Most are not even gmo. They are f1 hybrids.

That's all it takes to patent a seed or keep you coming back. F! hybrids. Oh and those can be in fem or reg form.
Yep. When losing an argument based in fact ( hermi threads, evidence etc.) Then resort to credibility attacks and personal insult.

Talking in circles? If i am it is only because fem seed defence arguments are taking my replies around in circles. But my point has not changed..
Show me the pics of the herms or at least name the strains and breeders.

I think you are a liar.
I will add this.

There are crappy breeders out there. There are a lot unstable genetics.

I take the time to research new breeders and strains I buy. If I randomly bought fems or regs I am sure that I would have ended up with more herms.
Show me the pics of the herms or at least name the strains and breeders.

I think you are a liar.
Pics or it didnt happen routine...yes of course.

Im sure i have them, but since these runs were a few seasons ago i would have to dig like hell for them. Hardly worth the effort...
Uh huh. What is the contradiction? I have never said that regs dont hermie. All i have said is that fems tend to hermie more often.

I honestly dont know what youre getting at. But after all that has been said here if this is all you have to pick at then it is pretty fuckin meager.
Uh huh. What is the contradiction? I have never said that regs dont hermie. All i have said is that fems tend to hermie more often.

I honestly dont know what youre getting at. But after all that has been said here if this is all you have to pick at then it is pretty fuckin meager.

I wasnt picking at anything just stating that your statement was a contradiction.

Even if fems are more prone it just goes to show the level of skill some growers have to not get herms of fem seeds. They would be trashed out of the market if they were that bad and noobs would grow regs as every weed site would push growers that way.

Although you have a small point the fact the i and many other long term growers really like fems means that we dont care about regs cause fems suit us and yeild awesome.

That and chill out cause right or wrong you aint going to change the situation and most of us are slowly moving to autofems thesedays, regs are old news and nothing bad has happened to mj genetics in 30 years of seed banks so its all good no matter what way the chips land :-)
I wasnt picking at anything just stating that your statement was a contradiction.

Even if fems are more prone it just goes to show the level of skill some growers have to not get herms of fem seeds. They would be trashed out of the market if they were that bad and noobs would grow regs as every weed site would push growers that way.

Although you have a small point the fact the i and many other long term growers really like fems means that we dont care about regs cause fems suit us and yeild awesome.

That and chill out cause right or wrong you aint going to change the situation and most of us are slowly moving to autofems thesedays, regs are old news and nothing bad has happened to mj genetics in 30 years of seed banks so its all good no matter what way the chips land :-)
Well... we shall see. Things have changed so much in just 2 years that the next two will... well...

My issue has never been about quality or yield. It is about availability. Its the wild west right now i the seed business. It wont be for long. When big pharma corps get involved (and they already are) things will change fast. And for the worse.

Using fem seeds promotes the restrictions that will come. Reg seeds are disappearing fast off of seed site menus so everybody better be keeping some stock or you will find yourselves out in the cold.
I wasnt picking at anything just stating that your statement was a contradiction.

Even if fems are more prone it just goes to show the level of skill some growers have to not get herms of fem seeds. They would be trashed out of the market if they were that bad and noobs would grow regs as every weed site would push growers that way.

Although you have a small point the fact the i and many other long term growers really like fems means that we dont care about regs cause fems suit us and yeild awesome.

That and chill out cause right or wrong you aint going to change the situation and most of us are slowly moving to autofems thesedays, regs are old news and nothing bad has happened to mj genetics in 30 years of seed banks so its all good no matter what way the chips land :-)
No skill.

It its all down to how stable the strain is.

I've grown many a fem with pin hole leaks and one herm.

The issue of herms come from if the strain is stable. I don't doubt people get herms from fems just like I don't doubt it happens with regs.

What are these people doing? Blindly buying seeds. With a little due diligence and research it is fine to grow fems.

A good strain breed right will not herm or be more likely to.


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Well... we shall see. Things have changed so much in just 2 years that the next two will... well...

My issue has never been about quality or yield. It is about availability. Its the wild west right now i the seed business. It wont be for long. When big pharma corps get involved (and they already are) things will change fast. And for the worse.

Using fem seeds promotes the restrictions that will come. Reg seeds are disappearing fast off of seed site menus so everybody better be keeping some stock or you will find yourselves out in the cold.

Im totally against legalization and big buissness, it works better between us growers and we care a lot more. There was a time when we were more underground and part of a group and network now its anyones game. Ive asked rollitup to change the rules so we can freely post our swaps, clones and seeds thus bypassing seed banks and what not but apparently rules are rules. Hec even rollitup has changed from years ago.

If regs dissapear and big buissness takes over you can be certain that a lot of us willbuck the trend and illegally breed whatever we want and get the underground started again, fuck em is my motto.
Im totally against legalization and big buissness, it works better between us growers and we care a lot more. There was a time when we were more underground and part of a group and network now its anyones game. Ive asked rollitup to change the rules so we can freely post our swaps, clones and seeds thus bypassing seed banks and what not but apparently rules are rules. Hec even rollitup has changed from years ago.

If regs dissapear and big buissness takes over you can be certain that a lot of us willbuck the trend and illegally breed whatever we want and get the underground started again, fuck em is my motto.
pretty easy these days to set up a collective group that shares 8)
Im totally against legalization and big buissness, it works better between us growers and we care a lot more. There was a time when we were more underground and part of a group and network now its anyones game. Ive asked rollitup to change the rules so we can freely post our swaps, clones and seeds thus bypassing seed banks and what not but apparently rules are rules. Hec even rollitup has changed from years ago.

If regs dissapear and big buissness takes over you can be certain that a lot of us willbuck the trend and illegally breed whatever we want and get the underground started again, fuck em is my motto.
I surfaced to get legal. It went to shit with our PM. Learned my lesson. Staying under the radar now and plan to stay that way, regardless of what our new PM does.
I surfaced to get legal. It went to shit with our PM. Learned my lesson. Staying under the radar now and plan to stay that way, regardless of what our new PM does.
Not me lol. Never surface, just keep doing what I do :). I knew that was bad shit just waiting to happen. Don't hold your breath about what's gonna happen, I have a feeling it's gonna get worse for personal growers, no money for the man :(.