Well-Known Member
I never said grain seed was fem seed. I said Monsanto, the inventor of fems seeds btw, has done monopolized the grain industry and done a bunch of other nasty shit too.Then you know what you said is false.
Cannabis is different than farm crops. Cannabis actually has a male and female plant. DIOECIOUS. Corn and other plants that flower with male and female flowers are MONOECIOUS.
Look those words up so you understand what they mean.
lets take corn for example. Read this.
If corn is monoecious and has both male and female sex organs how can you make a fem seed?
Now back to cannabis. It is dioecious (dicot) as in having cotyledons. Those little round first leaves.
Just saying.
If you need to twist my words to make them mean what you need them to mean just to make me appear uniformed somehow then you, sir, are...well... you need some counselling...