Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Rumor has it Trump is asking for drug test before next debate haha lets see how p up your healthy Hillary is she sure appears all perked up at beginning then at the end falling asleepView attachment 3806406
Wow, such a convincing argument. The only way that Clinton could have made him look completely unprepared and unqualified for the job in the first debate or make him look like a looming menacing figure also unprepared and unqualified in the second debate is if Clinton were on drugs. It couldn't actually be true that Trump is unprepared, a looming angry lout who is not qualified to be president.. Oh no, it's always somebody else's fault.

This election is rigged. Trump cannot be losing due to not being qualified for the job or has policies that most people in this country disagree with. Nooooo, it's the media, it's Clinton taking drugs, it's criminals recruited while in prison to be Democrats, it's anything but the fact that the US saw Trump and his policies for what they are and said nope.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Fogdog, post: 13050970, member: 889677"
This election is rigged. Trump cannot be losing due to not being qualified for the job or has policies that most people in this country disagree with. Nooooo, it's the media, it's Clinton taking drugs, it's criminals recruited while in prison to be Democrats, it's anything but the fact that the US saw Trump and his policies for what they are and said nope.
This election is rigged. Trump cannot be losing due to not being qualified for the job or has policies that most people in this country disagree with. Nooooo, it's the media, it's Clinton taking drugs, it's criminals recruited while in prison to be Democrats, it's anything but the fact that the US saw Trump and his policies for what they are and said nope.


Well-Known Member
So yeah vote for Hillary and she will make sure more resources military spending is cut even more

Trump has stated he will work on his borders meaning home land security saving you money in the long run rather then killaries invade steal and reek havoc on 3rd world countries you start wars with and even lose

Ask your self a honest question what war have you ever in the history of USA won on your own ???
a holocaust denier on his 9th account is telling us to vote for trump.

that is the state of this race right now.


Well-Known Member
To me i do not care either way but most everyone is brain washed in thinking its all good not only is your moral falling apart so is your country as a whole

The Once super power is no longer and the truth of you being actually weak has shown its self over and over

Facts that is what its all about right ??? but meme away and run from the truth again i don't care Nukes are not pointed my way

America’s military is dangerously weak and unprepared today, and it’s not getting better. At least that’s what top military leaders told Congress recently. Unfortunately, the testimony of these top generals and admirals did not get the attention it deserved.

For the last 15 years, the United States military has not prepared for conflict with a near peer competitor like Russia or China. General Mark Milley, chief of staff of the Army,shared his worries with Congress, explaining that the Army would be able to handle a serious conflict but “not at a level that is appropriate for what the American people would expect to defend them.”

In other words, because soldiers are not adequately prepared, the U.S. Army would either be late to arrive to a conflict (due to more time for training) or they would send soldiers into harm’s way unprepared.


The chief of Naval Operations, Admiral John Richardson, alsoadmittedthat there is “a readiness debt that we have had difficulty pulling out of or even making progress on as the funding levels are what they are and the security environment continues to put demands on the force.”

Almost two decades of conflict and years of budget constraints have taken their toll on the military, both in terms of deferred modernization and insufficient readiness

With your Government chopping every sector because of debt sorry your going to be left behind


Half of the Air Force’s combat forcesare insufficiently prepared for a high-end conflict. The Navy is forced to put more strain on its sailors and ships bydoing eight to ten month deployments, instead of the more manageable 6 months.

All Marine Corps aircraft eitherneed to be replaced or recapitalized. Not to mention, the Marines’ currentlevel of Class A mishaps is nearly double the ten year average. Neller confessed that “the simple fact is that we don’t have enough airplanes to meet the training requirements for the entire force.”

Last year, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefssaidthe planned defense budget was “the lower ragged edge of manageable risk need to execute our nation’s defense strategy.” The suggested base defense budget at the time was$573 billion. This year’s defense budget request is more than $20 billion lower.

If last year’s estimate was the lower ragged edge, this year’s budget request surely is below that edge of manageable risk.

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Well-Known Member

Make America Safe Again. Vote Trump / Pence 2016.

Hillary chose not to tell Americans the truth. She chose to lie about Benghazi because Libya was supposed to be a major success for the obama white house and the clinton state department.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
meanwhile, your buddy and fellow trump supporter with the neo nazi tattoo admitted to being a rapist.

anything to say about that?
I can say I find you disgusting, obscene liar.

Your opinion of people means little to me.

Quid Pro Quo with State and DOJ. FBI just released documents confirming it.
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