LED Companies w/ LINKS

Dude shut up with DIY is better than pre built. No fucking kidding you can build a light for cheaper. Let's see what your working with cause man by the sound of things you should have atleast be a vendor for Cree. This is part of what I have and you know my room only has 5 Amares hanging in it. I'll run these bitches till the next big Cree cob comes out and probably hack them into my Amares if they are worth it. So much for keeping quietView attachment 3806649 View attachment 3806655

Maybe I should ask them for some cash lol. Nah I dont care what brand it is just stating a fact. Nice setup you have there, Wish I had the cash for all that but soon enough. Not sure whats spurring the personal attack but if that helps you sleep tonight thats cool. You paid the money for the Amares so I would like to see a good side by side for comparison since you have both. You can be as loud as you want.. Im just not sure what youre trying to say.. What is that btw? cause Im lost.
@Hybridway i do not agree at all with your assessment of cobs run softer will not grow larger plants or get penetration like cobs driven at hi power like 100w.this is why i asked for ppf or ppfd or umol numbers on the amare because i know what crees do at 1050ma and 1400ma and even 76w each and its pretty even when you space the cobs according to wattage.

You're the perfect person to chime in here. I think you'd be one of the guys that would prefer 1.7-2.8A. Big plants.
Not saying they won't. I've seen them grow big ass buds that way. I should say, making the most of tall plants. More photons getting lower into the plant, making for longer colas using like a 27k instead of 35k helps to I'd imagine.That was a problem with Burple mono panels I heard & see from mine, colors don't penetrate like whites. Softer Cobs spread out are great & efficient.
I'm more refering to my pre-made unit. Can't really buy them like you guys make them. At least not yet. This is how I like them.

When you use your par-meter. Check your hps at different heights. Then check your soft driven, nice spread DIY. They will both have their own #'s. Irrelevant here. Check again 12" then 18" then 24" n so on. I think you'll notice that the drop in #'s on your DIY will get to be a difference of a higher percent between levels then your hps.
If so, that's because your hps has more depth to its intensity, therefor, there's less of a drop in #'s.
I've seen this difference between leds before as well. Also that the led with the higher center output maintained higher #'s or had less of a drop in the percentage as it went lower.
Hence, Taller plants with longer colas.
You have the meter, check it out.
I'm not refering too ppfd here guys. That's all what you make by adding the panels you purchase. Like adding cobs to your DIY.
2.8A cobs will drive light farther down into the plant is all I'm saying.
Can't wait to get my Par-Meter & Pro-9. Lights being shipped out at the end of the week hopefully.

- 1207umol@24", 770umol@36", 546umol@48" (No lenses)
- 2118umol@24", 1523umol@36", 974umol@48" (With lenses)

Now them's the #'s. I can never post mine cuz their buried so deep in e-mails. Just got the Pro-9 #'s again the other day but can never open the attachment on my phone & hate the computer. Lol! Momo I am sometimes.
Now them's the #'s. I can never post mine cuz their buried so deep in e-mails. Just got the Pro-9 #'s again the other day but can never open the attachment on my phone & hate the computer. Lol! Momo I am sometimes.
I got em for ya.


- 1962umol@24", 1345umol@36", 878umol@48" (No lenses)
- 1854umol@36", 1678umol@48" (With lenses)
They are not better than DIY its for the people that dont want to work and prefer burning more money for the same thing lol. Its all preference.
I want a nice enhanced white grow light. It would cost more money then to buy one, wouldn't be as nice, would take me way to much time, I'm busy growing.
It's not lazy, it's sensible for me. I want the best I can get now. So I let a professional do it for me while I pay a price I'm happy to pay for what is worth it to me all the while I continue to harvest bud for weeks, not build something half ass in comparison to a lesser cost purchase that takes away time from my growing job. Not a good value if your losing big money to attempt too.
I want a nice enhanced white grow light. It would cost more money then to buy one, wouldn't be as nice, would take me way to much time, I'm busy growing.
It's not lazy, it's sensible for me. I want the best I can get now. So I let a professional do it for me while I pay a price I'm happy to pay for what is worth it to me all the while I continue to harvest bud for weeks, not build something half ass in comparison to a lesser cost purchase that takes away time from my growing job. Not a good value if your losing big money to attempt too.

Sorry that wasnt meant to be directed at anyone in particular. People just pay a premium for a prebuild light rather than less for DIY. Thats all I was trying to say. I would agree if you dont feel comfortable doing it then dont, thats how I live at least... I cant preform open heart surgery but I can make a full scale video production in record times or ... everyone has their spot I just like to work with my hands and feel others have the same joy.. be it a bit more nerdy to be messing with LEDs lol. I just prefer to help people save money is all... regardless on what you make in a year its best to always have more in the bank.
Don't worry hybrid I already jumped him in. The Amare initiation is settled and his dues will be paid every third Friday each month.
Haha! That's great! Deffinetly need more Amareian brotherhood up n here!
@iampepe , if I can help out with anything at all, holla, I gotchu.
Whatchu rocking? Glad to have you in our Posse!
True that, don't forget better output too! Lol

While plain cob lights are cheaper to DIY, the lights I want for my plants are not.
Again, you're not gonna get these kind've #'s while still achieving a 95 CRI with any DIY for less money. If you were to say your time is worth anything at all, then you'd probably be up to 4-5 x the cost by the time your done. Maybe more. And only a handful have the talent that GrowMau5 has.
Amare is the best value on the mkt. that's a fact Jack!
True that, don't forget better output too! Lol
I'm building a light right now for veg. It's going to have 8 citi 1812's 6 6500k 2 5000k on separate drivers Driven at 1050ma. 4 outter cobs are 6500k and the 4 center cobs in an x patters are the other 2 6500k and 2 5000k. The center cobs are on one switch for seedlings and the outer another for when the plants get larger and outgrow the space. The frame is 80/20 extrusion with 4 main bars cut just long enough to run Samsung hard strips down then which are also 5000k. The total build cost is way above what I could buy a light for, but for me the only reason to DIY is not for cost but to do what you can't necessarily buy. If I had a 30x30 room I'd DIY the whole thing to save money but for my small 10x20 and half that just for flowering plants I went with prebuilt. Saving a few hundred wasn't worth it. I'm all for DIY but not everyone or every situation needs to be done yourself to save money.
While plain cob lights are cheaper to DIY, the lights I want for my plants are not.
Again, you're not gonna get these kind've #'s while still achieving a 95 CRI with any DIY for less money. If you were to say your time is worth anything at all, then you'd probably be up to 4-5 x the cost by the time your done. Maybe more. And only a handful have the talent that GrowMau5 has.
Amare is the best value on the mkt. that's a fact Jack!

Agree on the market it may be. As I stated it took me 30 mins to put my lights together... And I value my time highly. 95 cri is cool but $1000 in cobs/drivers and $300 in 660nm red cobs.. Done with mounting and wiring in maybe 1 hour max. I've done Xbox 360 modding and computer work I not too worried about assembling time. Check out @The Dawg to see some sick lights.
I'm building a light right now for veg. It's going to have 8 citi 1812's 6 6500k 2 5000k on separate drivers Driven at 1050ma. 4 outter cobs are 6500k and the 4 center cobs in an x patters are the other 2 6500k and 2 5000k. The center cobs are on one switch for seedlings and the outer another for when the plants get larger and outgrow the space. The frame is 80/20 extrusion with 4 main bars cut just long enough to run Samsung hard strips down then which are also 5000k. The total build cost is way above what I could buy a light for, but for me the only reason to DIY is not for cost but to do what you can't necessarily buy. If I had a 30x30 room I'd DIY the whole thing to save money but for my small 10x20 and half that just for flowering plants I went with prebuilt. Saving a few hundred wasn't worth it. I'm all for DIY but not everyone or every situation needs to be done yourself to save money.

I'm not doubting that at all, just like people to know their options. 8 5000k at 2.1-2.4A will produce a good price to prefomance area. I'm all for the solid aluminum sheet as a frame myself. I'm running a 15x20 myself not a bad deal, I won't have walkways... Just shuffle through the plants lol
Lol my lights taken 5 hours already. Looks pretty sweet but not as pretty that's for sure. The se series are where the value is at as far as my opinion goes. There are a lot of differences in the lights than DIY goes too. Small stuff but that adds up. Chrome reflectors with threaded aluminum rings that hold in the solid glass lenses. The laser cut rings that surround the cobs and support the monos. Dual power cords and 3 switches to power the monos, cobs, uv. Supplied H brackets to add on multiple panels. The incorporated and well balanced uv bulb. That's the physical differences you can't get with a bunch of lights zip tied together. On the other hand a standard cob light with the options to DIY to me is a waste of money.
Lol my lights taken 5 hours already. Looks pretty sweet but not as pretty that's for sure. The se series are where the value is at as far as my opinion goes. There are a lot of differences in the lights than DIY goes too. Small stuff but that adds up. Chrome reflectors with threaded aluminum rings that hold in the solid glass lenses. The laser cut rings that surround the cobs and support the monos. Dual power cords and 3 switches to power the monos, cobs, uv. Supplied H brackets to add on multiple panels. The incorporated and well balanced uv bulb. That's the physical differences you can't get with a bunch of lights zip tied together. On the other hand a standard cob light with the options to DIY to me is a waste of money.

Yeah that makes sense, but even at 5 hours it's worth it IMO. I don't need anything other than angled aluminum myself and I prefer no reflectors