First attempt at seedlings

Honest opinions please

They are 6 days old from appearing above the coco

Mixture of sensis super skunk
Dynafem og kush
And pyramids take on ak47

Had slight ph issue first couple of days
As when I ph'd my water I realised after 6 hours or more that the ph had risen
I hand feed them.

two nights ago I fed them with sufficient runoff today they have been able to be fed again so hoping that's going to keep progressing till its once every 24 hours

I have never grown from seed before so I am copying pukka budz grow journal he did on bbc seeds as to regards with feeding.
until they flip I will stay with this then introduce my knowledge and what's done me proud in the past

They will be transferred to 16l pots and as soon as I think the root structure is strong in these Small pots, then gradually aim for run off again as soon as possible although I do usually give them a quarter nutes feed and give plenty of run off usually a week and a half to two weeks into flip to eliminate any build up check ph out the bottom off pots

And it usually take them a day or so longer to drink up plenty of air dragged into the pots in the process.


Nice dark stems. Looks like some killer strains. Watch your pH and don't over feed them.

To be honest i wish the stems were a little more green.

I had a slight ph problem at the start I listed everything which was happening at the time and a few members of his forum concluded the same thing roughly to do with ppm and additives used by the water company to clean out water so I now heat my water up before using and run a air stone through it for 24 hours minimum and still after making a mix up and ph to 5.8 it will still rise to about 6.1 6.2 by the next day so I drop it to 5.8 and it holds.

All the seedlings are mixed up but are labels up on the pits as to what strain they are

Sensi super skunk

Dynafem og kush

Pyramid seeds take on ak47

I've smoked all these strains before apart from the OG looking forward to them all fingers crossed!!!


Well-Known Member
Naw looking really good, how close to the light are they, the closer they are the shorter they grow! Moondance.
Naw looking really good, how close to the light are they, the closer they are the shorter they grow! Moondance.
Around two and a half inches away highest temp off bulb is like 25.7c from a 250watt bulb

And the other is a 200watt and slightly cooler as a result so they are 2 inches away

The only thing is I'm looking at other peoples seedlings at day 9 and they have atleast one of two internodes 6 to 8 leave as I'm only starting to see little development each day


Well-Known Member
Sweet your good on the lights, do not start comparing until your harvesting and smoking down and giving us the smoke report, until then watch learn and have fun growing, they do mostly all the work here remember that. Moondance


Well-Known Member
They look healthy and strong. Just a tip. Maybe play with the light distance a bit to get them standing straight. I think the droopy stems is because they would prefer an inch more of lamp space.

I go for stress free plants with flat leaves as much as possible for my best results.

Although the leaves will of course go up and down sometimes as they root and grow. I mean in general appearance.

I agree with the above comment. You have a real good handle on this. Just don't over think it. The ph is supposed to drift up as plants eat and when you feed again the nute solution should help bring it back down. The "sweep" back up allows all the nutrients to become soluble through your feeding cycle. Hope that makes sense.

Love the clean organized grow!