Auto to introduce into 12/12 room


Well-Known Member
I've got a Chocolate Mint vegging Rn under 24/0. I will start 12/12 soon.

I had planned to order a 6 pack of 60 Day Lemon, but thought maybe I should pick an auto that will for sure work under 12/12 for its whole cycle.

any suggestions or input is appreciated. Thanks.
Why under 12/12? It will grow more under more light. But I'm sure you have your reasons.. oh you olnly have one room? Shouldn't be a problem autos will auto as far as I know.
What time are you running your 12/12 ? If it was possible and not of great inconvenience they could catch a couple extra hours outside before getting the full 12 in the room?

Might not work.
Could grow trees.

Noob idea.