Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, good one

Fuck all to do with politics like but there's nothing new there.

Those who can, do, those who can't troll
I'm more than willing to talk politics with anyone, shame the same can't be said for others.

If flaming pie asks me to stop posting on his thread I shall.

As for you Lou, when you apologised to me for being an old drunken fool, I wasn't aware that was your permanent state.

I'm sure weak, stupid, overly opinionated types don't want me in here as, along with others, you've been exposed for being exactly that.

I'm sad?...I'm only on here when I'm at work, being paid.

You do this in your spare time lolol
I showed some of my workmates this thread

Man, they seriously laughed at the stupidity of some of you.

Fuckwits was the word they used
Do you use memes because you can't express yourself or your opinions?

Wow, I've never HAD my OWN stalker before! Not sure rather to feel flattered or creeped-out. Well, there were those two crumb bums that loved jacking off to my posts, but 'sadly' they were banned.

in your dreams you sad old cunt
^SEE! He obeyed! DANCE, maggot, dance!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I've never HAD my OWN stalker before! Not sure rather to feel flattered or creeped-out. Well, there were those two crumb bums that loved jacking off to my posts, but 'sadly' they were banned.

^SEE! He obeyed! DANCE, maggot, dance!
Nice try stump muncher

Go back, count.

It's been you replying to my posts.

Troll troll troll troll
Yo uncle tell someone who really cares i don't .
What i do no is , you are a true liberal raciest. and your little gang haha...
Same people same shit day in and day out Does History lie ??? All Presidential assassins were in fact Democrats left wingers just like you right .
I noticed you scream racism literally every sentence yet it was the democrats blocking to free the blacks as slaves , there mentality is what has happened in USA feed off the poor rich get richer Scandal after scandal Deny Deny Deny

Looking forward to your racial comments carry on


Well-Known Member
she's actually the most honest politician in the united states besides obama.

You are addressing someone with a 70 IQ.....he supports Brexit, ffs. Can you say whiny little pasty bitch? "Wahhhhhh -- Those NASTY brown people and Europeans!! Wahhhhhh!! They threaten my rhythmless dullard existence!!"

Wonder how much longer he'll cling to my MASSIVE American gonads before he has his final meltdown/banning?


Well-Known Member
Yo uncle tell someone who really cares i don't .
What i do no is , you are a true liberal raciest. and your little gang haha...
Same people same shit day in and day out Does History lie ??? All Presidential assassins were in fact Democrats left wingers just like you right .
I noticed you scream racism literally every sentence yet it was the democrats blocking to free the blacks as slaves , there mentality is what has happened in USA feed off the poor rich get richer Scandal after scandal Deny Deny Deny

Looking forward to your racial comments carry on
hello again, drdestiny aka darth vapour aka 2anonymous.

you gove yourself away with your misspelling of "racist" every time. idiot.



Well-Known Member
Yo uncle tell someone who really cares i don't .
What i do no is , you are a true liberal raciest. and your little gang haha...
Same people same shit day in and day out Does History lie ??? All Presidential assassins were in fact Democrats left wingers just like you right .
I noticed you scream racism literally every sentence yet it was the democrats blocking to free the blacks as slaves , there mentality is what has happened in USA feed off the poor rich get richer Scandal after scandal Deny Deny Deny

Looking forward to your racial comments carry on
Wanna see how QUICK it takes for a war sock to get banned?

Do ya? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Trolls will troll

Constant theme from all that get abused in here

Noone has seen anything of substance from the trolls


Out of their depth but their fragile egos won't allow them to let go so they hurl abuse like screaming brats in a nursery
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