Are any of these Magic mushrooms?

THanx for the info guys. Out of curiosity i gave the fed the first mushroom to my bro (dont worry hes 20 not like 5). Nothing happened to him except he said he liked eating the mushroom. He got a bit of a stomach pain later on but no hallucinating or anything shroomish happened to him...gutz
they're bad for your liver.
Psilocybins also take quite a toll on your liver, thats why drinking water is suggested. Im sure theres other ways out there too but thats the one that comes to mind right now.
Please tell me what other mushroom turns blue upon bruising. Thanks. :mrgreen:
The blue oysters im growing now for one, any mushroom will bruise if given enough abuse, blue is one of the more common colours for bruising but some tend to lean more towards a greenish blue. If any of mine bruise when i harvest in a few weeks, ill post a pic.
for anyone interested in eating mushrooms, :dunce: amanita is the most impoprtant of all genera because it is here that the deadly poisionous species:spew: are found. attacks the liver affects the nervous system:o delierium:eyesmoke: , deep coma:sleep: , and finally death:twisted: so bee VERY carfull:peace:
Amanita muscaria's generally tend to have a very destinct look compared to their poison counterparts i find. Muscaria's tend to be yellow, orange or red with the white specks on cap while on the other hand, the death cap is white, with no specks, same with the destroying angel, which may look similar to the death cap but i dont think it looks anything like Muscaria.
THanx for the info guys. Out of curiosity i gave the fed the first mushroom to my bro (dont worry hes 20 not like 5). Nothing happened to him except he said he liked eating the mushroom. He got a bit of a stomach pain later on but no hallucinating or anything shroomish happened to him...gutz

as long as he's 20 then i guess it's cool to poison him.

the red one is definatly an amanita muscaria i was gonna try one but i havent had the time to go out and look for one, been too stoned.
Unless you grew the shrooms yourself, picking random shrooms that you see is probably one of if not the stupidest drug decisions you can make. The very poisonous mushrooms are extremely potent in that they have symptons similar to acetaminophen poisoning, as well as delerium. When your liver tries to remove the toxins from your blood stream, the toxins end up killing your liver. Then, all of the other poisons that would have been filtered end up in your blood stream, along with the original poison. Furthermore, you're pretty much unaware of what's going on because of the delerium. Eventually, the pain goes away and you might think you are better, but by that point you're pretty near to the coma. So probably a bad idea to eat any non-poisonous, but that's just some medical advice.
I found this one today. I think its a liberty cap because of the nipple on top. anyone got ne thing to add?


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Dude, don't eat anything you find.

If you want to experience magic mushrooms, they are easy to grow, and the internet has many mushroom sites.
Just google SPORE SYRINGE. :)
i found these today while visiting my outdoor plots... you can bet im going to eat every single one! probably go back tomorow just to get more. oh yeah gonna drink the beer too, even though it's anhauser bush. ewww


i've heard that a lot of people mistake these as magic mushrooms when they are no where close to magic more like an illusionist.
my patch? i find them as i walk to my outdoor grow, this past week ive been finding them everywhere, im thinking about going out and picking a few big bags full for the year...
If you want shrooms easy I'd say a cow pasture. I live in Louisiana, bad weed but good ass shrooms in my opinion. Last time we went shroomin we stayed not 10 minutes and got almost 90 regular brown flat cap shrooms. When you can get a lot like that I recomend making the tea.