DIY Cobs . is it real or is it fantasy.

went back to my T5HOs .yield and quality was much lower with the COBs. I consider RM3 and a few others here to be "real growers"

Stick a 600W HPS in there and watch yields double from his wasteful coffin of T5s. "real grower" clearly doesn't mean much... (rootboilers)

This guy is polluting the forums with advice on how to flower with T5, begging for money to develop an epiled based LED array so he can sell them to you and waste your time and money (con artist), yet these guys choose to go to war with a light that outperforms HPS in every way but price.

Because of the bad advice people have been getting from this guy, people waste their time and love it because they will never find out how much yield they're missing out on to realize how bad T5 is..
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Stick a 600W HPS in there and watch yields double from his wasteful coffin of T5s. "real grower" clearly doesn't mean much... (rootboilers)

This guy is polluting the forums with advice on how to flower with T5, begging for money to develop an epiled based LED array so he can sell them to you and waste your time and money (con artist), yet these guys choose to go to war with a light that outperforms HPS in every way but price.

Because of the bad advice people have been getting from this guy, people waste their time and love it because they will never find out how much yield they're missing out on to realize how bad T5 is..

Some leders are throwingthepoop some just throw it back because they don't want it no poop returned if no poop thrown inotherwords
Beats hps in every way? I remember seeing nicer bud pics 10 years ago then I do from these latest leds
Ithink your led bud might be giving you monotone badstones might want to inject some rainbows
Some leders are throwingthepoop some just throw it back because they don't want it no poop returned if no poop thrown inotherwords
Beats hps in every way? I remember seeing nicer bud pics 10 years ago then I do from these latest leds
Ithink your led bud might be giving you monotone badstones might want to inject some rainbows
if I spent that much money on a grow light I would claim it's the best thing since sliced bread. otherwise I would just look like a fool. I studied electrical engineering at the university in the 70's so I know how to build lights and do controlled testing on them.
if I spent that much money on a grow light I would claim it's the best thing since sliced bread. otherwise I would just look like a fool. I studied electrical engineering at the university in the 70's so I know how to build lights and do controlled testing on them.

They may look like a fool at the end of the day either way I bet you'd conduct yourself better while building lights too. Right now its all propaganda atanycost with no limits just sell sell sell parts. Smart people would avoid anyone selling anything LED here its where the worst collect sadtosay in fact buy LED anywhere but here taketheirinformation and give the money to someone moreworthy

its closer to 1000grams with 500 Cobb Watts.
what is? the white space under the sentence?
if I spent that much money on a grow light I would claim it's the best thing since sliced bread

Well that says a lot about your character. Most people don't lie to others to make themselves feel better about themselves.

Btw, this argument based on financial investment is absurd. I've made and lost thousands of dollars in various stocks, cars, gambling vehicles, etc, but because I spent a few hundred on some lights, it means I'm heavily invested. I also swear by Korean cars because I'm just so invested in them. Every few months I'm investing in one! Disclosure, I own one so take everything I say with a grain of salt. You wouldn't know what disclosure meant if it bit you. Now the people with stock in LED companies, they have financial investments actaully worth disclosing greater than a few hundred spent on some grow lamps. The idea that someone would swear by something simply because they spent a few hundred dollars really doesn't add up.
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Well that says a lot about your character. Most people don't lie to others to make themselves feel better about themselves.

Btw, this argument based on financial investment is absurd. I've made and lost thousands of dollars in various stocks, cars, gambling vehicles, etc, but because I spent a few hundred on some lights, it means I'm heavily invested. I also swear by Korean cars because I'm just so invested in them. Every few months I'm investing in one! Disclosure, I own one so take everything I say with a grain of salt. You wouldn't know what disclosure meant if it bit you. Now the people with stock in LED companies, they have financial investments actaully worth disclosing greater than a few hundred spent on some grow lamps. The idea that someone would swear by something simply because they spent a few hundred dollars really doesn't add up.
I drive a 20 year old Hyundai Accent. prior to that I owned another Korean made car for 12 years before giving it to a college student. Korean made cars are the most reliable cars I have ever owned. I have also made and lost a lot of money on wall street.(I lost $500K in the 2008 crash) but i've made a lot more than I lost. seems we do have something in common. but I disagree with your view of human for you personally you seem to be the type of person that enjoys conflict. which I do not
Hi I figured it was time to start a new thread about where Cobb lighting will go from here Do people want Cree Cxb 3590 chips or cheap knock offs . if you could buy a quality DIY light would you or rather build it yourself. As a long time grower I know that it comes down to your garden. And you can't make lights and grow at the same time for most. I want to know what you people that grow and want something better than there HPS/MH system but feal like there isn't enough information about Cobb lighting. The ones saying it ain't broke so don't fix it. Open to suggestions from you DIY light sales guys who don't grow. I want to show the difference between the LED GUY WHO SELLS THEM ,AND THE LED GUY WHO GROWS. And the difference between. And most of the led guys who grow have no time to make a light but had the courage to do it, or the smarts to do it. Truth is most real growers do not have the time or knowledge to research lights then build them. DIY for cobbs is turning expensive and timely so should we leave it to the Profesionals to do. And is a nongrower capable of even building lights or selling parts.

WTF is this thread doing in the nutrients section? You wanna talk lighting, there's a big section for that, full of all the people you can get solid answers from.

Just saying, bro
enjoy your cob herb that will turn to dust in a month from lack of any real resin quantity or quality but everything has its place putit next to the natural lights beer and usa gold cigs
I can think of a better place to stick the nanolux you might even enjoyit there
p.s. it seems you started a thread asking about something you feel you know everything about hmmmm
Get some professional attention for your bruised pussy.
if I spent that much money on a grow light I would claim it's the best thing since sliced bread. otherwise I would just look like a fool. I studied electrical engineering at the university in the 70's so I know how to build lights and do controlled testing on them.
This isn't the 70s. youre already presenting as an ass.
Get some professional attention for your bruised pussy.
keep telling yourself that a light made for general lighting is better then one made for agriculture and that investing top dollar in immature tech is worth it hahah you part of the gofundmeproject? who's the bullshitter? both sides have points wow and you give that guy rm a hard time for politely asking at least he's not ramming it downyourthdroat
thats about all i have for this today this attitude here gives me a headache smokeabowl
bruised pussy huh wow yougotclass
keep telling yourself that a light made for general lighting is better then one made for agriculture and that investing top dollar in immature tech is worth it hahah you part of the gofundmeproject? who's the bullshitter? both sides have points wow and you give that guy rm a hard time for politely asking at least he's not ramming it downyourthdroat
thats about all i have for this today this attitude here gives me a headache smokeabowl
bruised pussy huh wow yougotclass

Phony fuck, your idiot drool isnt worth reading. "Class" gtfoh hysyerical half wit says class with vomit on breath. Youre a disposable jackass.
keep telling yourself that a light made for general lighting is better then one made for agriculture and that investing top dollar in immature tech is worth it hahah you part of the gofundmeproject? who's the bullshitter? both sides have points wow and you give that guy rm a hard time for politely asking at least he's not ramming it downyourthdroat
thats about all i have for this today this attitude here gives me a headache smokeabowl
bruised pussy huh wow yougotclass

Dude, straight up; COB LED has grown my best ever in terms of quality, and grown my largest best yielding plants. Period.

First hand experience from someone who's been around long enough to play with all the toys.

EDIT; with less watts and less HVAC.
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enjoy your cob herb that will turn to dust in a month from lack of any real resin quantity or quality but everything has its place putit next to the natural lights beer and usa gold cigs
I can think of a better place to stick the nanolux you might even enjoyit there
p.s. it seems you started a thread asking about something you feel you know everything about hmmmm
I feel both sides are right on the subject really they both grow weed. So we all have that we can agree on. I have grown with hps, t5's and now LEDs. the only lights I don't have more are my maverick sun mothership hoods. All grew pretty good. Now I feel that LEDs of good quality can match hps however with led you can add that UV and IR spectrum to further increase Resin and at that point you can really see the difference. I have several different LEDs that I've put up against each other and good quality Cree or vero's out do all my others. For reference I own a kind xl1000 which I'm using on my current grow also own several old aquamana LEDs with those cheaper 3watt epistars good deep blue good for veg and I get nice tight plant before it moves over to flower. If done correctly you can get nice dense nuggets that are frosty as hell. Everyone wants pics I can post some if needed I can hold a sheet of paper in front of the pictures if that much verification is needed. I just enjoy good quality light in which I can manipulate the spectrum how I see fit and added in extra if I want use electricity more efficiently and create a lot less heat eliminating the need for nothing more than my regular carbon filter and exhaust fan.


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Dude, straight up; COB LED has grown my best ever in terms of quality, and grown my largest best yielding plants. Period.

First hand experience from someone who's been around long enough to play with all the toys.

I can't argue your experience but mine tells me that COB falls very very short from best ever. I agree COBs yield well there is no denying efficient light sources but yieldisnot part of my criteria with lighting just like it is not part of my criteria when choosing what plant I want to take my time to grow the best strains are rarelyyielders i don't grow particular strains to increase yield. you can look at every picture of a led bud including the ones who have tricked out grow rooms with every toy possible and you would have to guess co2 pumping away with the chem fert recipes and hydro butstill the plants are obviously not that impressive put it outside and watch it swell to twice the size or use a mh hps combo
to theloudone time to judgethejudges muchmorethenyouwhatyoudecide
I can't argue your experience but mine tells me that COB falls very very short from best ever. I agree COBs yield well there is no denying efficient light sources but yieldisnot part of my criteria with lighting just like it is not part of my criteria when choosing what plant I want to take my time to grow the best strains are rarelyyielders i don't grow particular strains to increase yield. you can look at every picture of a led bud including the ones who have tricked out grow rooms with every toy possible and you would have to guess co2 pumping away with the chem fert recipes and hydro butstill the plants are obviously not that impressive put it outside and watch it swell to twice the size or use a mh hps combo
to theloudone time to judgethejudges muchmorethenyouwhatyoudecide
The pictures I posted are sitting under just a light, exhaust fan and a fan for circulation. I just use good dirt, good nutrients and good strains. I don't look for highest yielding just really good genetics. I'm not doubting your experience getting what I suspect is you've gotten some weed from a guy that thought he was king shit with all his fancy stuff but knew dick about growing. Gear doesn't make up for bad growers. I know more than my fair share of guys locally that have every fancy toy out there an couldn't grow weed even to save their life.
I can't argue your experience but mine tells me that COB falls very very short from best ever. I agree COBs yield well there is no denying efficient light sources but yieldisnot part of my criteria with lighting just like it is not part of my criteria when choosing what plant I want to take my time to grow the best strains are rarelyyielders i don't grow particular strains to increase yield. you can look at every picture of a led bud including the ones who have tricked out grow rooms with every toy possible and you would have to guess co2 pumping away with the chem fert recipes and hydro butstill the plants are obviously not that impressive put it outside and watch it swell to twice the size or use a mh hps combo
to theloudone time to judgethejudges muchmorethenyouwhatyoudecide

I grow two pound plants with them indoors.