Three of them were definitely not consensual. I am sure there were many consensual encounters he had. Those are not the problem. It is the harassment of rape victims that bothers me.
Working on my second degree.
Are you going to vote for me, Buck? I would make you Supreme Vice Lord Emperor Mayor of Trolls... If that isn't a title that can get you laid, I don't wanna know what juanita broaddrick, who testified under oath multiple times that clinton never touched her?
and did you forget that trump attacked these women worse than hillary did?
check out 1998 tape.
Are you going to vote for me, Buck? I would make you Supreme Vice Lord Emperor Mayor of Trolls... If that isn't a title that can get you laid, I don't wanna know what is...
WikiLeaks Drops NEW Bombshell – Hillary Slammed Black People AND muslims, Called Them Losers
Would you stay married to a sexual predator and rapist?
in the mean time...foodstampsWorking on my second degree. I have had plenty of jobs. I will start working when my daughter goes to school full time. Or maybe volunteer part time and work part time.. I haven't made my mind up yet.
is that the one with "altern" and "aperture" in it?
ya know, the one so obviously fake that only retards like you would fall for it?
Oh so Wikileaks is now "fake", even tho they have a 100% truthful proven track record? lmao
The Wikileaks stuff are not 100% proven truthful. Even when true, stuff taken out of context is also a great way to mis-cast a statement when trying to make a point. I'll give you a pro-tip: don't believe everything you read on the internet.Oh so Wikileaks is now "fake", even tho they have a 100% truthful proven track record? lmao
Uh Oh!
All you Hillary supporters are going to be slicing your wrists now!
Anonymous claims to have found the missing 33,000 emails!
1) lieAssertion 1: Your entire premise about Hillary Clinton is based upon a lie. She did not protect Bill Clinton by attacking the victims. Fact.
Assertion 2: Bill Clinton had consensual extramarital affairs, at least four. Fact
Assertion 3: Bill Clinton did not grope, expose himself, or grab them by the pussy. This cannot be proven or disproved.
You can believe what you want. Your series of questions are based mostly upon lies, distortions, accusations that were later altered or denied and rumors.
Trump in fact told Bush that he grabbed them by the pussy because he was a star. Trump in fact walked into dressing rooms with unclothed beauty pageant contestants, in some cases with unclothed 15 year old girls, because, in his words, he owned the business and was inspecting it. And yeah he later bragged during a Howard Stern interview about seeing really beautiful women when he did that.
When I was 16 years old I did fantasize about that sort of thing, along with a whole lot of other stuff that I also grew out of shortly thereafter. Typical for a narcissist, Trump never matured.
Bill Clinton isn't even running for prez, your words about him are just repeated lies, distortions or unprovable claims and you equivocate that shit with hard facts about Trump's sexual predatory, peeping Tom sickness as justification for voting in a sexual predator as President.
You need to clean up your ability to distinguish facts from truthy shit. Your business degree will be pretty much meaningless if you are susceptible to lies.
1) lie
2) he lied about the affairs, then admitted to them after confronted with irrefutable proof
3) Bill Clinton did grope, expose himself, and committed rape.
Bill was a frequent visitor to a brothel know for having underage girls.
Hillary threatened Bill's victims to intimidate them into silence.
There was enough evidence that Bill was ordered to pay $850,000 in compensation to one of his victimsYou are wrong about his extramarital affairs. All four were consensual by the women's own words.
There is nothing else that can be said to be true. You are just taking it as an article of faith about "rape" and "harassment" when much evidence says there is nothing there.
And that bit about rape is a lie, to say the nicest thing about it.
There was during the gold rushthere are 90 males in alaska for every female, too.
There was during the gold rush