Godbless you. Wait you didn't sneeze?Wow, but I'd like a better look at that one.
I want to ask if you've sneezed recently, but only in humor...
There are fungi that look like goo, but I do not think that that
is one of those. (Witches Butter)
It is more likely the effect of leaves laying on each other....respiration.
Good luck,
So a spittlebug has a different name.. Interesting.Froghopper?
@Linux50 First video, ~58seconds in.
That's not what vpd is. It's the difference in the vapor pressure of the air and the pressure inside the leaf.Vapor Pressure Deficit is the relationship between the temperature and relative humidity. Having them in the proper ranges can make or break a grow.
orange is optimal white is o.k blues are detrimental.
What any of this has to do with how the semen got on your plant is still a mystery.
...Semen...That's not what vpd is. It's the difference in the vapor pressure of the air and the pressure inside the leaf.
high humidity=low pressure low humidity=high pressure
What can cause water droplets to form on leaves is having low enough pressure that the plant can't transpire due to saturated air. This causes pressure inside the plant to rise. If the soil is wet it creates pressure on the roots forcing water from the leaves. It's called
guttation (sp?)
The op didn't post any info so it's all speculation anyway. What do you think could have caused it?