Completed build, Cutter 4 Cob kit, Active Cooling...


Well-Known Member
Cutter 4 Cob Cree kit, 200w/1400ma Meanwell Supply, Artic Alpine 100w CPU coolers, 100k potentiometer dimming and dimmer override switch.

All built and installed on an aluminium frame to fit snuggly in my 60cm square tent.

Thanks to users on here who've help me through...! :clap:


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Looks great! I'm getting ready to do a Cutter x8 COB 400W kit.. Curious why you decided to actively cool? Do they generate that much heat? I was going to passive cool mine since the fresh air coming in will be pretty cool.
Looks great! I'm getting ready to do a Cutter x8 COB 400W kit.. Curious why you decided to actively cool? Do they generate that much heat? I was going to passive cool mine since the fresh air coming in will be pretty cool.

Posting heatsinks from Australia was hugely expensive and are difficult to source in UK. Active cooling worked out cheaper! Additional side effect of active cooling is that the downdraft from the fans keeps the canopy moving slightly and nice and cool.
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Just taking temperatures with laser thermometer - cobs are running at 220°f, heatsinks at about 81°, canopy leaves 72°-78°. Output from vent system is cool, no heat at all.

I've moved the clip fan up above the light rig now, just to move air and delivery CO2 to drop over plants (sugar/yeast engine). An advantage from the active cooling is that they produce a nice downdraft over the canopy. Being able to free up the space the clip fan took up is a great advantage in my small growin such a small grow.
Hey DeMoNeye, quick questions for you.. I like the idea of having those guides that run the light up and down the aluminum tubing of your tent. What exactly are those called? I'd like to do something similar with mine.. Thx!
Hey DeMoNeye, quick questions for you.. I like the idea of having those guides that run the light up and down the aluminum tubing of your tent. What exactly are those called? I'd like to do something similar with mine.. Thx!

I actually got those 3D printed. Designed in 3Dbuilder - free with Windows 10 and then printed using a local supplier found on a 3D hub - costs about £10

@velvet_underground - If you let me know the internal diameter you want them printed at (ie what will slide over your poles - mm please) I'll send you a file you can get locally printed. Mine have a 3mm hole for fixing the the angle, and a recess to take an M3 washer...
Do they usually stretch that much or you think that's from lack of light intensity?

Never grown this strain before - it is their first 2 weeks of flower, so it's just that stretch... They've started to set flower now an growth has stepped down... They are also regularly manicured - trim off fan leaves a they cover potential bud sites. The canopy is pretty packed.