What is this all about?Ya it's fine, they made their decision, im not gonna argue about somebody asking me to leave their house!
What a TWAT... Lol why folks get their shorts in a bunch over things typed out over the net. Your good here @tonygreen , we have love for you...Skip told windy i spread HATE, in caps too LOL....
I'm not going back, I won't ask for the ban to be lifted or reduced or alts or any of that crap.
Laughable, they've unsticked your thread T
Your next on my list after subcool and vaderog
Looks almost like a room of glue perro! From seed!
Big one looks great gaines, hope its a girl, plenty to take cuts off!
anybody know if you can take a fresh unrooted cut and throw it in a solo cup with water and put it under 12/12 light cycle to test the sex? will the cutting die before it reveals? I have had cuttings sit in a solo cup with only water for just over a week and they survived but were not super stoked on that treatmentnot ideal obviously, lol.
would save me a week or two if i could determine the sex without having to root the damn clone first only to chuck it once it gives me the info i want.
I have flowered un-rooted clones in both soil and calcined clay and it takes about an extra week or two to show sex. You don't really save any time and being the clone is so small it won't yield much but it does work. I've never tried just a glass of water tho. As long as you change the water out I'd imagine it could work. It would partly depend on the vigor or the strain I'd imagine. Give it a try and report your results.