First hydro grow (white russian)


Well-Known Member
here you go m8 the first 2 pics are the unkowns as you can see they dont look wright
the other 1 are some of the russians which look fine and are going mad lol



hope i can sort it


Well-Known Member
I am going to say bump the nutes. Anyone else want to chime in ???? some other opinions will help here.


Well-Known Member
day 31 from seed
so i bumped up nuts in all buckets buy 200 ppm
PH 5.6
PPM 1500 -tap water 800 PPM
nuts PPM 700
here are latest pics
these are the russians see the blue lighter standing up gives you an idea of size

these are the unkowns no signs of nut burn which i was worried about

ill up more tomorrow
thanks for all the help


Well-Known Member
do you have the pump on a timer or is it just running all day long? It kinda looks like they are getting overwatered in the first month of my first grow I didnt know and left the water pump on 24/7 kinda looked like your leaves do now. Once I figured it out they flatened back out. Just a suggestion though?

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
This is exactly like my plants look-same curl as i described in my thread but healthy looking otherwise. My plants were started 8/23 so just a few days younger but the same EXACT look to the leaves.

Is the general consencus overwatering, just changed mine from 24/7 watering to 3x during 18hrs of lights on-2 on, 4 off and I swear the curl is coming on with others not previously displaying it.

I have it on about 33% of my crop. Indica, sativa and hybrids it has affected some of each strain. I thought it may be a bit of heat stress as i have 1kw MH 25" away and if Bifta is at 25" with a 400 and seeing it then I don't think thats it. Minor spots on a couple but nothing severe anywhere.

I will ratchet back the water till I see some improvement-also changing out my res today.

Bifta my veg room is kept constant at:
24-26 c (74-78) +,- 1deg
50-55% RH
5.8 Ph
Nutes-(I am a bit more agressive)
Germ through true leaves-350ppm
Week 1-700ppm
week 2 (currently on)-1100ppm
The white you are growing is more likely to be fert sensitive than the unknown (unless maybe it is from blueberry genetics). So I would pop up those nute a bit too.

Let me know if you start seein g improvement, and I will do the same.
Great looking grow so far BTW.:bigjoint:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Bif, what medium were the plants started in, RW cubes by any chance? Is there any way the RW is getting exposed to the mist from your DWC?

Actually, things are looking pretty good, but I'm also curious about the leaf distortion. Can you get a pic of the roots, both from the normal and suspect plants?

Any signs of a translucent gelatinous goo forming in the nutes? What are you using for pathogen control? I'd be adding H2O2 50% grade @ 1ml/L every 3-4 days.


Well-Known Member
Bif, what medium were the plants started in, RW cubes by any chance? Is there any way the RW is getting exposed to the mist from your DWC?

Actually, things are looking pretty good, but I'm also curious about the leaf distortion. Can you get a pic of the roots, both from the normal and suspect plants?

Any signs of a translucent gelatinous goo forming in the nutes? What are you using for pathogen control? I'd be adding H2O2 50% grade @ 1ml/L every 3-4 days.
Wow man your good can you take a look at my grow i just posted new pics and tell me what you think your like a god to me

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Kirk, the first thing you have to know is that I'm absolutely not a god. I'm a stone cold atheist. If I were a god, I would not believe I exist. :lol:

I might be able to do some stuff but I'm not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I fuck it up OFTEN.

Regardless, I'll have a look. Got a link? :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for taking a look Al B. Fuct
all seeds were started in 1in r/w then put into 3in pots with a layer of clay balls all around r/w cube
todays readings
ppm 14-15 all buckets
ph 5.6 stable
temp 82-83
only nuts i use are canna veg A+B canna flora A+B
todays pics
1. these are the unknown strain with the problem

this is one of the w/russians

there is no slime on any roots and nuts look and smell fine but any ideas or help would be great thanks
forgot to say the w/russians are just starting to smell a bit

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
all seeds were started in 1in r/w then put into 3in pots with a layer of clay balls all around r/w cube
Is there enough of a barrier of pellets to prevent the RW cube from being wetted by the DWC mist? RW mustn't be exposed to the mist or it will saturate.

todays readings
ppm 14-15 all buckets
14-15? Must be a typo, what is the nute strength?

ph 5.6 stable
You're looking for 5.8.

temp 82-83
Bit too warm, you're looking for 24-26C (75.2-78.8F).

there is no slime on any roots and nuts look and smell fine but any ideas or help would be great thanks
The roots look generally OK but there's not as much development as I would expect. There's some concerning tan colour to some of them. I think that H2O2 50% grade applied at 1ml/L every 3-4 days will improve development and prevent any pathogen probs.


Well-Known Member
sorry m8 ppm 1400-1500
temps i can not do anything more but this is the hottest it gets
i think you may have hit the nail on the head as ive been keeping water level about 3cm from bottom of pots
still not bad as they have been in buckets from seed
proper closet grow lol
ph was 5.9 for last 10 days
but through reading i dropped to 5.6
also been dropping light its about 25 in from canopy

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Oh yeah, I think you could be doing a lot worse than you are if you're growing in a closet! Closets are hard to ventilate and leaving the door open a bit isn't good ventilation.

The water level all depends on whether you want to grow DWC or aero. A DWC with a low water level is aero. In neither case should the water level touch the pellets. I would lower it to at least about 10cm below the netpots.

Get some 50% grade H2O2 and dose the nutes with 1ml/L every 3-4 days. The root development should pick up a bit.

Correct pH to 5.8 after topping your tank with plain water only. Your res is small so you will top up frequently if not daily. Never add mixed or concentrated nutes to an existing tank of nutes. Only add nute mix to plain water when mixing a new tank at your necessary change interval. 1400-1500 is fine for a vigorously growing plant.

A flood system allows a much greater res capacity, which keeps pH & ppm more stable over the roughly 2-week life of a tank of nutes. I find that about 5L per plant is generally good. Bucket systems have so little res capacity that they might do better being dumped & renewed weekly rather than biweekly.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I think you could be doing a lot worse than you are if you're growing in a closet! Closets are hard to ventilate and leaving the door open a bit isn't good ventilation.

The water level all depends on whether you want to grow DWC or aero. A DWC with a low water level is aero. In neither case should the water level touch the pellets. I would lower it to at least about 10cm below the netpots.

Get some 50% grade H2O2 and dose the nutes with 1ml/L every 3-4 days. The root development should pick up a bit.

Correct pH to 5.8 after topping your tank with plain water only. Your res is small so you will top up frequently if not daily. Never add mixed or concentrated nutes to an existing tank of nutes. Only add nute mix to plain water when mixing a new tank at your necessary change interval. 1400-1500 is fine for a vigorously growing plant.

A flood system allows a much greater res capacity, which keeps pH & ppm more stable over the roughly 2-week life of a tank of nutes. I find that about 5L per plant is generally good. Bucket systems have so little res capacity that they might do better being dumped & renewed weekly rather than biweekly.
ph set at 5.8 by adding plain water
ive got a fan blowing canopy +light a bit + its right next to window but its the best i have
when would you start to flower m8