The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Internal Republican Polling Shows Trump Delivering The Senate And Supreme Court To Hillary On A Silver Platter

How bad is it? Very, very bad.

  • Republicans are just days away from stampeding for the emergency exits as the Trump Train speeds towards a spectacular, one-for-the-history-books disaster in November. Between Tump's terrible debate performance, his week-long meltdown and his all around awfulness, his polling numbers have tanked.

    But it gets worse:

    Mr. Trump has already slipped perceptibly in public polls, trailing widely this week in Pennsylvania and by smaller margins in Florida and North Carolina — three states he cannot afford to lose. But private polling by both parties shows an even more precipitous drop, especially among independent voters, moderate Republicans and women, according to a dozen strategists from both parties who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the data was confidential. is already showing Hillary ahead 308-229 on the electoral college map. If Trump drops any further, he could be facing a bigger loss than Romney (but less than McCain).

  • ______________________________



Well-Known Member
Uh huh. Let me know when that amounts to a hill of shit.
so it's only significant when it the platform of the candidate you like, and it's insignificant when it's in the platform of the candidate you don't like?

i dunno, seems a little hypocritical.

hillary has spent her career helping other democrats, assuring that she will be in a better position to actually implement her platform once she is president. bernie never helped other democrats. he only used the democratic party to try to get the nomination after being an independent his whole life.

you don't have to like her, but at least be honest about her. don't be like the shithead righties who have made her the most lied-about candidate of all time. that doesn't help a thing.


Well-Known Member
Link or it didn't happen.
so it's only significant when it the platform of the candidate you like, and it's insignificant when it's in the platform of the candidate you don't like?

i dunno, seems a little hypocritical.

hillary has spent her career helping other democrats, assuring that she will be in a better position to actually implement her platform once she is president. bernie never helped other democrats. he only used the democratic party to try to get the nomination after being an independent his whole life.

you don't have to like her, but at least be honest about her. don't be like the shithead righties who have made her the most lied-about candidate of all time. that doesn't help a thing.
Oftentimes tension between you should just 69 and clear the air!


Well-Known Member
so it's only significant when it the platform of the candidate you like, and it's insignificant when it's in the platform of the candidate you don't like?

i dunno, seems a little hypocritical.

hillary has spent her career helping other democrats, assuring that she will be in a better position to actually implement her platform once she is president. bernie never helped other democrats. he only used the democratic party to try to get the nomination after being an independent his whole life.

you don't have to like her, but at least be honest about her. don't be like the shithead righties who have made her the most lied-about candidate of all time. that doesn't help a thing.
I don't see party platforms as anything more than window dressing anymore. They haven't been significant drivers of policy in this millennium and I don't see that changing just because your heroine gets elected.

So it's not about whose party platform it is, it's about the fact that it's just one more throwaway in our 'modern' mess of a political system.

Call me cynical now.

Try to call me wrong in 4/8 years.


Well-Known Member
And exactly who do you think is behind the election of the rest of them?
I've said this before. Americans have like a 13% approval rating of congress, but still LOVE their local representatives and senators. If they didn't love them, they wouldn't keep re-electing them.

Before you bring up term limits, I think experience is not a bad thing and some long term politicians have done good things in the past.

13% approval of congress...but it's NEVER the local guy of those polled. Think about that, kinda like it's not me, it's everybody else that causes the problems.


Well-Known Member
I've said this before. Americans have like a 13% approval rating of congress, but still LOVE their local representatives and senators. If they didn't love them, they wouldn't keep re-electing them.

Before you bring up term limits, I think experience is not a bad thing and some long term politicians have done good things in the past.

13% approval of congress...but it's NEVER the local guy of those polled. Think about that, kinda like it's not me, it's everybody else that causes the problems.
Jared Polis is cooler than your representative. Go ahead, look him up. Check his record on pot policy.


Well-Known Member
Jared Polis is cooler than your representative. Go ahead, look him up. Check his record on pot policy.
I wouldn't debate that one bit. I have a sign in my driveway for a very attractive young lady trying to unseat a conservative pos. I have met her personally and my wife actually knows her. We donated $100. to her campaign.

If she gets in, we will have one more legalization vote.

That's the best I can do.


Well-Known Member
I like the governor we have alot better than the last one. I think the state level representatives represent the people more so than the federal level.
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