The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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American politicians understand that policy platforms are throwaways, that they aren't effectively held accountable for them.

We'll see if she lifts a finger... and schedule II would be a disaster for MMJ, as it would deliver the plant directly into the hands of Big Pharma at the expense of the current industry players.
She won't do anything to support legalizing marijuana. I don't think she'll do much more than Obama did to restrict it, but she won't be the kind of champion to ending the drug war, that's absolutely for sure
Humility is for after important elections.

I know, they always say, 'this is the most important election of our time.' It's usually like a broken record but this time...I actually believe it.

This is perhaps the most important election of my voting history dating back to 1972.
Just on who will nominate the next round of judges alone, and how those judges will rule on the incredibly important issues ahead.
Humility is for after important elections.

I know, they always say, 'this is the most important election of our time.' It's usually like a broken record but this time...I actually believe it.

This is perhaps the most important election of my voting history dating back to 1972.
Just on who will nominate the next round of judges alone, and how those judges will rule on the incredibly important issues ahead.

I believe it every time, because it's true.

However, this time things feel different to me.

I simply don't trust either of them to do anything significant to improve my country/government/standing.

I've realized that it's up to We the People to do anything to advance our cause and Mrs Clinton is the currently available choice who will remain hands off of citizen initiatives more than the alternative.

In other words, I no longer believe in this election or its oligarch approved candidates to us any good at all.
I believe it every time, because it's true.

However, this time things feel different to me.

I simply don't trust either of them to do anything significant to improve my country/government/standing.

I've realized that it's up to We the People to do anything to advance our cause and Mrs Clinton is the currently available choice who will remain hands off of citizen initiatives more than the alternative.

In other words, I no longer believe in this election or its oligarch approved candidates to us any good at all.

I am well aware of your opinions concerning this election.

Time will tell which one of us is more correct. And it might require a LOT of time to tell as in historians after we're gone. I follow my conscience. I'm sure you do too.
I am well aware of your opinions concerning this election.

Time will tell which one of us is more correct. And it might require a LOT of time to tell as in historians after we're gone. I follow my conscience. I'm sure you do too.

Nah. We'll both be around to mark the Mrs' scorecard when she's done. It will be as obvious as our current perspective of the job Mr Obama has done.

Fuck, we're electing aristocratic dynasties now. If it isn't up to We the People, then who?
Nah. We'll both be around to mark the Mrs' scorecard when she's done. It will be as obvious as our current perspective of the job Mr Obama has done.

Fuck, we're electing aristocratic dynasties now. If it isn't up to We the People, then who?
Hey, i'm just here to hate TRUMP! I hope she does ok. Yeah, it gives me the creeps too. Seems to have happened a lot the last 100 years.
Hey, i'm just here to hate TRUMP! I hope she does ok. Yeah, it gives me the creeps too. Seems to have happened a lot the last 100 years.

As the nomenklatura of American Society consolidate their grip on power, it simultaneously spells our doom. It has always been thus, the history we've dug out of the ground confirms it time and again.
As the nomenklatura of American Society consolidate their grip on power, it simultaneously spells our doom. It has always been thus, the history we've dug out of the ground confirms it time and again.
I dunno. I don't think it has to be bad. I don't see it as a problem with democracy necessarily. But the frequency of occurrence does seem to be straining credibility. I see this as less nepotistic as the Bushs and Kennedys.
i just took a shit so big that it kinda tore my anal sphincter a bit. so we're even.

Well there isn't a candidate that represents universal healthcare, reversing citizens united, real progressive taxes, or cutting DoD spending. So why not work to at least disrupt the two party system?
Well there isn't a candidate that represents universal healthcare, reversing citizens united, real progressive taxes, or cutting DoD spending. So why not work to at least disrupt the two party system?

...and people think that a little nepotism isn't a bad sign, lol
actually, each and every one of those things is in hillary's platform, which is the most progressive platform of all time.

You think the Democrats will really pull through this time? I voted for Obama twice. I think he has been the best president in 50 years, which isn't as big of a compliment as it sounds. But he, and Democrats when they held the majority, didn't make any progress on my top prioities. Now I distrust them, especially when Bernie lost the nomination after an ideal grassroots movement. He would have destroyed Trump, no question, and that says a lot to me about where Democratic leadership is at. To me, it seems like Hillary just adopted his platform but has no true intention of following through.
You think the Democrats will really pull through this time? I voted for Obama twice. I think he has been the best president in 50 years, which isn't as big of a compliment as it sounds. But he, and Democrats when they held the majority, didn't make any progress on my top prioities. Now I distrust them, especially when Bernie lost the nomination after an ideal grassroots movement. To me, it seems like Hillary just adopted his platform but has no true intention of following through.

BINGO! Railroad the nomination, coopt the opposition platform, then somehow nothing changes when they make it into office.

Gee, where have we seen this movie before?
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