Crop sabotage?


New Member
I have been working in the legalized recreational industry for a while now as a grower and competition is heating up. I have seen some suspicious crop failures amongst fellow growers and am now hearing rumors circling of sabotage from competition. Was wondering if any other growers out there have heard of this type of thing going on? To me it's mind boggling that people would actually do this. Maybe I am just too idealistic. What do you guys think?
fuck that happens . lot of people have tents set up out in the fields and also dogs not so friendly . and deer stands hunting purposes not going much into that . electric fence . a lot of work time money could be invested in your crop. have to protect to cherry tomatoes for sure . hate to have a kid pocket 1 with out his mom paying . lmfao .
You can find all sorts of flowers that put off banana like pistils. I always thought it would be funny to harvest a handful and put them on a buddies plant. I'd offer to take that male off his hands! Be careful who your friends are!
The government is not allowed to collect any money from mj. Money is federal, amd since the Feds don't recognise mj or mj related money, nor banks take mj relayed money, therefore it's a contradiction if the Feds collect a tax on mj revenue.
Im sure there getting their fair share from sales tax's on all the needed gear. Tax on wages, fees on licensing. etc. As the feds and the big Pharma get involved those taxes will rise forcing out the little man.