
Well-Known Member
His wife is. He will be in that house again with interns. She offended and attacked his victims,...Nothing compared to dirty talk Trump.
And Donald`s sexual conduct was ? Don`t say talking dirty, tell me the have done`s.
That`s the gangsta Rap in him trying to wannabe. You needed me to tell you that ?
So what are you getting at ? Racist women beater or something ? C`mon, What have you derived ? Speak better than broad. (pun)
I can see you don`t frequent night clubs or concerts much. Your lack is telling.


Well-Known Member
At this point I'd like to share my poem. I consider this composition an essential element of my post modern oeuvre.

Grab Them by the Pussy.

I moved on her very heavily.
I moved on her like a bitch
in case I start kissing her

magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.

You can do anything.
Grab Them by the Pussy.
You can do anything.

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Well-Known Member
You wont grab my pussy, will you, ...... you lost that loving feeling, oh...... that loving feeling......
Wendy`s ??
And Make the bitch famous.
Is she hot ? I wont be grabbing Rosie........Mr. deprived.

  1. a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.
    synonyms: mental illness, madness, insanity, derangement, lunacy
    "her failing memory is not necessarily a symptom of dementia"

It's inarguable at this point....


Well-Known Member
  1. a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.
    synonyms: mental illness, madness, insanity, derangement, lunacy
    "her failing memory is not necessarily a symptom of dementia"

It's inarguable at this point....


1. My weed`s better than yours.


Well-Known Member
At this point I'd like to share my poem. I consider this composition an essential element of my post modern oeuvre.

Grab Them by the Pussy.

I moved on her very heavily.
I moved on her like a bitch
in case I start kissing her

magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.

You can do anything.
Grab Then by the Pussy.
You can do anything.

A little of the ol 'Oligarch After Dark', eh?

Yeah, this sick fuck's daddy had been lining up 'partners' (IE: rape slaves) for nasty little Donny for years, and always referred to his sons as "killers"....real dystopian sci-fi shit, no joke.


Well-Known Member
Must have learned that from Bill. But if you really want me to vote for Hillary Clinton you must tell me who is more likely to cause public outrage big enough for a revolution?

Now Trump really cracks down on Muslims puts Ali's family in a camp, Mike Tyson, Ice Cube and any other famous Muslim well we will have a revolution. Hillary Clinton just seems to concerned about starting a nuclear winter to combat global warming. When nukes fly a revolution will be impossible as I will hit up the Canadian Arctic I think I can blend in with the Inuit at least as a half breed. :)
you are even more hopelessly stupid than oddball.

it will be nice to see you leave forever in one month.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the pussy party you fucking cunt,...nobody`s more stupid than I and don`t you forget it. I try my bestest to be stupid and you fools confirm it every day,...don`t go giving my awards to someone else.
Reported for wasting precious breathable air and for repeatedly leaving shit stains in several threads.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the Republicans have ever heard of something I like to call "extreme vetting". It is where you shut everything down until you find a candidate that they can guarantee not to blow up in your face.

But then, who could have predicted this? Lol. Everybody.