I don't know all the internet terms but I'm guessing another ghost account if that's what it's called when a member opens a new account under a new name pretending to be someone else.
Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt. I see that shady shit here all the time.
I noticed it's usually the vendors (I'll name no names, cough, cough, GG) that like to play Hide n go Troll to try & discredit the better companies. But what goes around comes around as many saw w/ PhotonFud. Haha!
They get caught all the time & whatever little credibility they once had is flushed down the toilet w/ most.
It was a legitimate question.i have only seen you talk about amare.i havent seen your diy cob grows but im sure you have one to make that claim of amare being the best.unless its just the best light you have used,meaning you still dont know how other cobs perform? I just want the best.from the little bit of threads i have been able to read i see most people follow the path laid out by supra greengenes growmau5 and a few others and go diy to get the best output for the money.but maybe im missing something.amare doesn't have a website so i cant see any prices or more importantly specs on the products at all.
Forgive me for not knowing but are you a sales rep or tester of the products?
Im also seeing alot of people starting to use the citizen cobs in do those compare to the others in price and quality?