Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
I think you may have a gambling problem...
lol, how cute. you think there is still a chance trump can win.

trump can't even win arizona.

this is not gambling, this is housekeeping. something your daughter and cucked hubby should be familiar with. because they are hispanic.

get it?



Well-Known Member
I think you may have a gambling problem...
Do you think a woman with a flat chest can be a ten ?
Does it matter what people write as long as you have a young beautiful women on your arm.
Do you think a woman breast feeding in public is disgusting
Do you think your husband is a women if he changes your daughters diaper.
Do you know who you are voting for
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Well-Known Member
lol, how cute. you think there is still a chance trump can win.

trump can't even win arizona.

this is not gambling, this is housekeeping. something your daughter and cucked hubby should be familiar with. because they are hispanic.

get it?

Make the bet then buck


Well-Known Member
If Baraka has let go over 700 convicts, How many and Who will Hillary be letting out. Last I read Obama was cutting sentences on non violent drug sentences to commute gun realated sentences,...I don`t know why hew would do that.

Democrats making America safe for you and me.


Well-Known Member
Yepppp....this is the lowlife that talks about attacking people in public bathrooms and is an obvious racist...

"I hope everyone makes it threw this"

"Well I think Anyone here who believes in God know what I mean."

"I would go in and kick trannys ass, men belong in the men's room period.Yea I took the gun part out cause it's a little extreme..
We have had bad press over this stuff here as of late and I would deff go in swinging."

What's left to say, really?
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