greengenes707 video update


Well-Known Member
nice vid greengenes and nice harvest. the buds do remind me of an old strain I grew years ago called K-Train, it wasnt really anything special... how the the smell taste and flavor on that alien rift? great yield but is it good? nice vid and nice yield anyway, sorry for you thread being closed not too sure why anyone knows?
and that is why i would never grow only 1 strain (I don't clone so every plants are different) , Im glad I got to see your vid coze I thought I was missing out on that alien rift and truly I grow with very similar lights or the same in some case and it's not MY kind of weed. nice harvest nonetheless.
Soon?I hope so, doubt it though...............I messaged him briefly, he's busy getting ETL certs/sphere work done and other stuff. Was disappointed on how the mods behaved, me too honestly.

It is was it is

So is that confirmation that the certification was never obtained?
So is that confirmation that the certification was never obtained?

I'm not feeding your idiotic conspiracy theories..........if you can't put two and two together, well then I can't help you.

Maybe you should realize the difference between using listed parts or having a complete panel/design's a LONG and expensive process, which is why 99% of the led grow lights on the market don't have it.

GG has been a great asset to this community since joining, I know because I was here on the other hand have nothing to show or share===just a disinformation strategy also appropriately named as FUD

feel free to put me on ignore
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Something important such as safety certification might not be of interest to you but it is to many others.

It is also important to know whether a vendor does in fact have such certifications as other members of this forum have indicated. Claiming to have a certification when not having it is pretty deceitful and I would stay away from a vendor caught using similar practices.

I personally don't care for safety and get a few volts now and then, but it's not a hard thing to pass and I highly doubt anyone with a real business will be taking time to reply on a recreational forum unless it has to do with sales. More important things to do IMO. I'll be starting micro greens soon and won't be on here to much for example.