Happy monumental senoir citizen B-day to a hot granny

Hot grannies rule

Happy B -day to the hot grannie Annie

Even though I don't know you personally hot grannies are cool in my book and hot grannies that grow are even cooler ....plus just cause there's a birthday it gives me a reason to smoke a fruity pebble cross joint ...:joint::hump::joint:
Today you are a Renoir Citizen. I am impressed.
Nah you still have some paint left in the brush. Go forth and fill a canvas!

(You could drink ad libitum, preload on hangover chow and lean over a canvas!

The impact of the art-bearing matter even makes the right sound when it hits: Pollock!)

Hmm... can't think of any pithy puns of that caliber (nice one @cannabineer). The only thing that came to me was pengior citizen...

And being as we're mature women (ahem) I'll bet not many remember a pengior set is.
I missed this too? Happy birthday Annie! You'll be glad to know I was celebrating for you and didn't even know it!
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It's my birthday today so you are in plenty of time! Did you kill a bottle of tequila in my honor?

I'm getting ready to pour myself a bloody mary. I just got back from the salon where I got my hair dyed purple with blonde streaks. As a birthday gift she waxed my upper lip and eyebrows. OMG Why do women do that crazy ass shit?
It's my birthday today so you are in plenty of time! Did you kill a bottle of tequila in my honor?

I'm getting ready to pour myself a bloody mary. I just got back from the salon where I got my hair dyed purple with blonde streaks. As a birthday gift she waxed my upper lip and eyebrows. OMG Why do women do that crazy ass shit?
No tequila, but I will get a bottle today and have a couple of shots for ya