Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the well wishes. I got my gas tanks filled up, got my propane for cooking, got a bottle of moonshine, and a shit load of ammo in case I need to kill a rabbit or something tasty. I just hope the power stays on so my plants don't have to sit in the dark. Really if it were not for the plants, I wouldn't mind the power going out. Yeah it will be hot but fuck it, I have weed and moonshine! I hope everyone stays safe, I hear the storm has already taken at least 8 lives in the Caribbean. I have lived through 3 direct hits from hurricanes and it can be pretty bad, so here is to hoping this thing stays well out to sea. I may be off for a couple days if the power goes out, but I will try to keep in touch as long as I have juice. The bad part is supposed to start tomorrow afternoon and it is forecast to be bad until Friday afternoon. We shall see. Fingers Crossed!