"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Dude, the earth is 1.7 degrees warmer since 1880, CO2 isn't a pollutant and mostly comes from natural sources, the Antarctic ice sheet is growing by billions of tons, man made climate change is literally a theory, polar bears are fucking and multiplying growing the population, NOAA has been caught manipulating data and scientists are demanding they remain transparent to taxpayers.

Urmeeguurd the world is ending. That's Jehovah's Witness shit.
The elevated levels of CO2 have been proven to come from burning of fossil fuels. Get your facts from real scientists not the ones working for the science denier lobby.

The growing of the Antarctic Ice sheet is irrelevant. The real issue of ice melt is in the melting of glaciers on land which is cause of concern due to oceans rising.

Science deniers claim NOAA manipulated data. That's a very different thing than actually manipulated data.

And that 1.7 degrees temperature rise is the fastest rise in the average world temperature going back hundreds of thousands of years. You don't understand facts even when you get them right.

I guess you don't like the fact that the OP said you are disqualified from becoming Prez. Too bad for you.

The issue isn't the earth ending or even mankind. The issue is that the shift in climate is too fast for ecosystems to adapt. Accompanied by unprecedented species die-offs are growth of undesirable simpler organisms that are no longer held in check -- like the red tide that shut down fishing along the west coast a couple of years ago. The following generations will be faced with flooding and food shortages. These aren't really something you can deny. Just facts about what will happen if the current generation doesn't take corrective action.
The elevated levels of CO2 have been proven to come from burning of fossil fuels. Get your facts from real scientists not the ones working for the science denier lobby.

The growing of the Antarctic Ice sheet is irrelevant. The real issue of ice melt is in the melting of glaciers on land which is cause of concern due to oceans rising.

Science deniers claim NOAA manipulated data. That's a very different thing than actually manipulated data.

And that 1.7 degrees temperature rise is the fastest rise in the average world temperature going back hundreds of thousands of years. You don't understand facts even when you get them right.

I guess you don't like the fact that the OP said you are disqualified from becoming Prez. Too bad for you.

The issue isn't the earth ending or even mankind. The issue is that the shift in climate is too fast for ecosystems to adapt. Accompanied by unprecedented species die-offs are growth of undesirable simpler organisms that are no longer held in check -- like the red tide that shut down fishing along the west coast a couple of years ago. The following generations will be faced with flooding and food shortages. These aren't really something you can deny. Just facts about what will happen if the current generation doesn't take corrective action.

Listen to us or its the end of the world-Jehovah's Witness.

Glaciers have been melting for 150 years. MMGW is social science, at best.
fukishima radiation...:finger:
pretty colours!!

now you do know how big the pacific ocean is?

or that sea water carries uranium (you know like the radiation stuff) naturally

or have you forgotten one of the largest earthquakes and a frigging tidal wave that killed tens of thousands of people and hit one of the oldest nuclear reactors about....

and yet no one has died or will die from those pretty colours you posted

again nuclear is cleaner than you silly greens think how ever many appeals to emotion you may do.....
pretty colours!!

now you do know how big the pacific ocean is?

or that sea water carries uranium (you know like the radiation stuff) naturally

or have you forgotten one of the largest earthquakes and a frigging tidal wave that killed tens of thousands of people and hit one of the oldest nuclear reactors about....

and yet no one has died or will die from those pretty colours you posted

again nuclear is cleaner than you silly greens think how ever many appeals to emotion you may do.....
Nuclear is not as clean as wind solar or hydro power. It still pollutes can you tell me how to dispose of nuclear waste properly? Because the government just sticks it in barrels and buries it until the time comes those barrels leak and contaminate the ground water.

Interesting theory but I'm not buying.
Listen to us or its the end of the world-Jehovah's Witness.

Glaciers have been melting for 150 years. MMGW is social science, at best.
Glaciers melt. That's what they do when the temperature is above freezing and that's been going on since forever. In recent times, they are melting faster than they have been accumulating ice and sea levels are rising. What is your point?

MMGW or Making Middle Grades Work probably belongs in a different thread. Its a initiative in some education systems in the south. I'd suggest that any upgrade to your education would benefit you. Maybe you should look into a remedial class.

Why are you so interested in Jehovah's Witness mythology? That's probably grist for a different thread too. I'll grant that you know more about it than I do, so why don't you start a thread and tell me more.
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pretty colours!!

now you do know how big the pacific ocean is?

or that sea water carries uranium (you know like the radiation stuff) naturally

or have you forgotten one of the largest earthquakes and a frigging tidal wave that killed tens of thousands of people and hit one of the oldest nuclear reactors about....

and yet no one has died or will die from those pretty colours you posted

again nuclear is cleaner than you silly greens think how ever many appeals to emotion you may do.....

The elevated levels of CO2 have been proven to come from burning of fossil fuels.

MMGW probably belongs in a different thread.
The growing of the Antarctic Ice sheet is irrelevant. The real issue of ice melt is in the melting of glaciers on land which is cause of concern due to oceans rising.

MMGW probably belongs in a different thread.
Science deniers claim NOAA manipulated data. That's a very different thing than actually manipulated data.

And that 1.7 degrees temperature rise is the fastest rise in the average world temperature going back hundreds of thousands of years. You don't understand facts even when you get them right.

MMGW probably belongs in a different thread.
I guess you don't like the fact that the OP said you are disqualified from becoming Prez. Too bad for you.

Inaccurate in every respect.

The issue isn't the earth ending or even mankind. The issue is that the shift in climate is too fast for ecosystems to adapt. Accompanied by unprecedented species die-offs are growth of undesirable simpler organisms that are no longer held in check -- like the red tide that shut down fishing along the west coast a couple of years ago. The following generations will be faced with flooding and food shortages. These aren't really something you can deny. Just facts about what will happen if the current generation doesn't take corrective action.

The issue is that man causes climate change. That man is responsible for Global Warming insofaras your main issue is that sea levels rising and it is caused by man and this is catastrophic. You have stated as much:

I guess you don't like the fact that the OP said you are disqualified from becoming Prez.

The OP's video, in the first 25 seconds, CLEARLY demonstrates your religion's assertion that climate change is man made.

The issue you've stated is that mankind is responsible for causing and/or responsible for fixing the Earth's Climate and not doing so will result in disaster for Mankind. Yet out of the other side of your mouth you say the issue isn't catastrophe for the earth and has nothing to do with mankind.

Glaciers melt. That's what they do when the temperature is above freezing and that's been going on since forever. In recent times, they are melting faster than they have been accumulating ice and sea levels are rising. What is your point?
MMGW probably belongs in a different thread.

Why are you so interested in Jehovah's Witness mythology? That's probably grist for a different thread too. I'll grant that you know more about it than I do, so why don't you start a thread and tell me more.

The following generations will be faced with flooding and food shortages.

Just facts about what will happen if the current generation doesn't take corrective action.

Because Jehovah's witnesses, just like climate change cult members, have the same M.O. Follow us, this is the only true way, because we said so, we need money, or you're fucked.
The issue is that man causes climate change. That man is responsible for Global Warming insofaras your main issue is that sea levels rising and it is caused by man and this is catastrophic. You have stated as much:

The OP's video, in the first 25 seconds, CLEARLY demonstrates your religion's assertion that climate change is man made.

The issue you've stated is that mankind is responsible for causing and/or responsible for fixing the Earth's Climate and not doing so will result in disaster for Mankind. Yet out of the other side of your mouth you say the issue isn't catastrophe for the earth and has nothing to do with mankind.

Because Jehovah's witnesses, just like climate change cult members, have the same M.O. Follow us, this is the only true way, because we said so, we need money, or you're fucked.
Science deniers are so funny...:-D
Oh you want to control nature, good luck.

Why don't you want to talk about methane emissions and fecal/urea dissipation in your drying room?

like you said, it probably just naturally happened.

i'd rather talk about your racist birtherism instead. i sold that weed to three toothed, sister fucking, sheet wearing south carolinians like you years ago.