Won't that be a bit of an overkill? For 0.60 cubic meters? Like even the smallest box fan would be overkill relative to the tiny closet. Also not sure if they will even fit in the closet, physically. :/
unless the fans $10 I`d get a good one the fan will likely outlast this grow box and work well on the next one
if you want to just have passive in`s and be able to use good light levels then you go for good fans 1st
more airflow means you can be less fussy over how hot your lights may be....... also less smell more growth more yield and you can slow it down
trust me for a grow extract get a 600/700 rating min I like 1500`s but 300/400 will do but better to have the option to move more air, more fans more noise better to just have one or 2 fans instead of tons of them.
but them box fan`s are great you could even add it to the top or bottom of the closet, I`d go over 500cmh, but they say you should exchange the air in a room 3 times per min to keep the smell down
remember to reduce a fan by 20 to 30% when ducting and filtering and you`ll want 2 to 4x passive inlet holes vs what size fan you use for out when using a passive in and active out
so 4" out you want 8" to 16" of in flow
fresh air in is just as vital as getting the old air out, vent fresh air towards the canopy (as long as its over 12/16c) for max effect