Bud Budman
Hey there folks, first time grower here looking to work out some kinks of my little grow op. My "Grow Room" is my closet at the moment. Inside you'll see a 2700K 250-watt CFL bulb w/ reflector shield shining down on a cut in half 5-gallon bucket (Holes drilled on bottom) filled with Miracle Grow Organic soil. I have a fan blowing up at the bottom of the plants. This is where my seeds have been since sprouting a week ago. As you can see, the leaves on my babies are drooping pretty good. Now I know that I have over watered them in the first week and look to correct that, but I'm not sure if the conditions in the closet are helping either. If you look at the picture with the thermometer/hygrometer you'll notice the humidity, although sometimes okay, is usually below where it needs to be hanging in the low 40s/mid-high 30s, and the temperature gets much too high, reaching 91 this afternoon, but usually anywhere between 75-85. Since this grow room is also a functioning storage space around the house, the conditions are never constant and fluctuate all day long. Obviously cannabis growing naturally would be at the mercy of ever changing conditions, but the amount of change that'll happen at a time in my situation is definitely outside of the natural range; raising or lowering 10-15 degrees within half an hour and then changing again. Does this fluctuation in conditions harm the plants? How can I amend this if it is a problem? Is a grow tent worth it?
Any help would be awesome, Thanks guys!
Any help would be awesome, Thanks guys!