RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing things about the fake rape case against Trump. Even their precious snopes.com doesn't even have evidence that the person filing the case and the witnesses even exist.
you are tremendously stupid.

they withdrew the case. they plan to refile with even more witnesses next.

a judge already found the case to be credible enough to go forward, and now they are refiling it with even more witnesses.


Marijuana Mercenary

Well-Known Member
you are tremendously stupid.

they withdrew the case. they plan to refile with even more witnesses next.

a judge already found the case to be credible enough to go forward, and now they are refiling it with even more witnesses.

cite? other than this video you keep posting that has no credibility and no one can prove who she is other than a fake name.

They PLAN to refile? And now they are refiling? What is it? they plan or they are? With more fake witnesses LMAO.

Hillary forced me to give her oral too then lmao.


Well-Known Member
How has hillary or obama helped the black community?
the children's health insurance program (by hillary) insures millions of black children. your kid is on it too, welfare mooch.

obamacare dropped the uninsured rate in every single county in the entire united states. so not just the black ones, but the white ones too.

facts: try them.


Well-Known Member
Google: Clinton Body Count, Hillary Sniper Fire Lie, Benghazi, Bill Clinton Rapes, Hillary Collapsing and Fainting, Hillary Brain Damage, Clinton Classified Emails, Clinton Private Server, Hillary Fast and Furious, Clintons Broke Leaving Whitehouse Lie, Clinton Travelgate Scandal, Clinton Foundation Fraud, Clinton FBI Background Check Scandal, Clintons Steal Whitehouse Furniture (also known as 1600 Pennyslvania Ave. Scandal), Clinton Whitewater Scandal, Clinton Cattle Money, Clinton 2016 DNC Stolen from Sanders, Clintons Claiming Bribes as Speech Payments.

This is just what I have come across, I am sure there are countless more Clinton scandals. Why would you vote for her? Especially after she stole the dem nomination from Sanders. He was 100x better the candidate. How can any Sanders supporter stay a democrat after that fraud?!

I keep hearing things about the fake rape case against Trump. Even their precious snopes.com doesn't even have evidence that the person filing the case and the witnesses even exist.

Edit: Savage and Dr. Drew taken off air for bringing up Hillary Health is another thing to google.

Edit x2: This is the owners of snopes for god sakes:
View attachment 3795693
Thank goodness the Snope's cat is unbiased. Or Hillary would have killed it.


Well-Known Member
Umm.. that's not even 70% of a million. So yeah.. chump change compared to a billion
Yup, ya got me there.
Terminal brain fart due to the fall crop evaluation. Pleased with the product but not with my math this evening.
At least others posts prove I'm in good company in that stead this evening.

But considering the tax write off to not be consequential (and it's not really evasion since it's in the law) because it's a smaller amount while not recognizing the hypocrisy of her "debate points" addressing his use of them is something that slices through even my stoned fog.

Best you can do?
You'll have to wait 'til late tomorrow aft. for a reply though as it's definitely time to hang up the keyboard.


Well-Known Member
I was unaware of the host/moderator for next debate. You don't even know that host and moderator are used to describe the same position.


Clearly shows bias for Hillary at the polls using CNNs own release. The only way Hillary is winning this is by stealing it with a troll army backing her.

Have fun trolls.

Hofstra university hosted the event , Lester Holt was the moderator derrrp.


Well-Known Member
the children's health insurance program (by hillary) insures millions of black children. your kid is on it too, welfare mooch.

obamacare dropped the uninsured rate in every single county in the entire united states. so not just the black ones, but the white ones too.

facts: try them.
Why has Hillary been around 30 years and all our problems are not solved?

Thirty years!

I'll tell you why. She has no stamina.

You need stamina.


TRUMP! has it in spades. That has never been in dispute.
