trump hasn't paid taxes since 1995


Well-Known Member
not even smart enough to read your own article Buck? All it says is that this business loss in 1995 could be applied for 20 years. It only says Trump theoretically could have not paid taxes for 20 years, starting retroactively in 1993 to 2013 assuming he made less than this amount in 20 years. So in no way does it say he hasn't paid taxes since 1995. Reading comprehension is a thing!


Well-Known Member
that's reassuring. i'm sure he'll do better with the united states economy.
This will hurt his ego hard, coming out with a big financial loss on record like this being made public. I wonder how he will react this week now that his business sense is called into question.

Trumps main running point is that he was a good businessman


Well-Known Member
You think that's impressive. You should look at his medical report. Technically he's had no brain activity since birth. Yet the fucker is running for president.
Ummmmmmmmm, where is this medical report you speak of..Enquiring minds want to know.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Knowing Trump, he did it to himself, so he can end the nightmare that is him...he does crazy shit like that all the time..calling in to places as butler..insider etc, when it's clearly him.


Well-Known Member
As much as I think Trump is a fucking moron, most businesses can pass forward losses.

This also seems to be a personal return and passing forward losses on capital gains is pretty common. This is because otherwise the tax take would make it completely pointless and youd be better off hoarding your cash.


Well-Known Member
That's just 1 of his his 3 bankruptcies. I wanna see how much more he has sucked from the bullshit tax code that this US uses today to give benefit to the rich and wealthy, and screws the little guy, like me. "I cant do it, because I'm under audit". BS, you just don't want the American people to know what you really are, which is a charlatan, a liar, and a POS businessman that if it wasn't for the generosity of the IRS, you would be working at a McDonalds and living in a fucking box.


Well-Known Member
That's just 1 of his his 3 bankruptcies. I wanna see how much more he has sucked from the bullshit tax code that this US uses today to give benefit to the rich and wealthy, and screws the little guy, like me. "I cant do it, because I'm under audit". BS, you just don't want the American people to know what you really are, which is a charlatan, a liar, and a POS businessman that if it wasn't for the generosity of the IRS, you would be working at a McDonalds and living in a fucking box.
That's the problem with simply demanding "more taxes" tho, it unfortunately means "more loopholes you and I have no access to".


Well-Known Member
Well, that's the tax code for you.

Of course, this means that he has been making money hand over fist due to not having to pay those taxes.

I'll bet he has been giving money to charities like a drunken sailor. Not to the TRUMP! Foundation though, we have enough signed Tim Tebow helmets and portraits of The Dolan.

bad at thr jobz
(chk out th sx tape)