Illinois Enema Bandit
Well-Known Member
28 quotes in an hour
You set a record meltdown last night & that makes me very happy
28 quotes in an hour
I did not notice your meltdown. What account were you using?28 quotes in an hour
You set a record meltdown last night & that makes me very happy
show us a picture of your neo-nazi tattoo.28 quotes in an hour
You set a record meltdown last night & that makes me very happy
when are you going to show us how much you get paid to inform on people ?show us a picture of your neo-nazi tattoo.
i get racists fired from their jobs for the fun of it.when are you going to show us how much you get paid to inform on people ?
Yeah, I would not eat that cake if I were you.
That's a good example of the unintended consequences.Georgia court rules in favor of kkk in civil rights violation for a bakery refusing service.
Benghazi. Sniper fire. Cankles.
How far up the riu asshole did you burrow for that bitch like fact enema?28 quotes in an hour
You set a record meltdown last night & that makes me very happy
I would charge that bitch so much she would cancel... or make me rich
When I open a business I serve all unless you are rude and misbehave. Why would I deny someone service for the color of their skin, religion or sexual preference. That's your hang up, not mine. Question: does having a SS# make you a slave ?So, you would bake a cake which you didn't want to, because somebody else would use force against you if you refused to use your body involuntarily to satisfy a law?, claim not to be a slave in that instance ? Interesting.
You just said you wouldn't base your choice on doing business with a person based on their race. ( We agree there).When I open a business I serve all unless you are rude and misbehave. Why would I deny someone service for the color of their skin, religion or sexual preference. That's your hang up, not mine. Question: does having a SS# make you a slave ?
You are not captured. Please stop looking at it that way.What makes a person a slave, as opposed to a free person usually begins with mental conditioning. That's why I could be captured, but my captivity alone will not make me a slave, slave.
Sure...if you say so.Benghazi. Sniper fire. Cankles.
I win.