Hawaii Growers

Are you using any oils in your foliar? To me it looks like hotspots where an oil might have not been fully emulsified. Sometimes when I use stylet oil or neem and it rains the oil gets washed off and concentrated around the tips of the leaves and it get a little bit of burn. Or at the end of the tank, any floating oil will be concentrated and burn plants.

White fly usually doesn't damage leaves like that. I remember surfd was having problems with fulvia leaf spot from having tomatoes nearby but not sure if that's what you have. I've stopped growing any tomatoes because they are just magnets for pests and fungus issues.
I'm sure this has been asked before in this thread, I was wondering how you guys deal with slugs and snails. Looking for an organic solution. Mahalo
Good to know. I hope I didn't insult anyone with my comment earlier especially if it works. Nice to hear from someone using it.

Not gonna bother me lol. I try to soak up as much advice as possible but I take the information given to me and run with my own interpretation of what I think is most feasible or possible action I should take. I never bash someone for trying to help. we all need to combine our knowledge so everyone can have successful and happy time growing this awesome medicine.
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