How Many Weeks? (with pics)


Well-Known Member
Friend couldn't take care of this girl anymore so she ended up with me. Here's two pictures with lights on/off. Curious to know how many weeks it looks like its been flowering and how many more should be left. Mostly indica strain



Well-Known Member
Any idea how old it is? from 12/12 flip? 8 weeks is the norm for indica dom strains.
So the real difficulty with this girl is that the previous owner made a few mistakes and by accidently flowered her in the Spring time outdoors, so she revegged until late august. I got her about 3 ago when she just started throwing out pistils. She wouldnt finish before the weather got too cold so i was given her. Now shes inside and I'm trying to figure out how much longer to run with her. Heres when i got her:



Well-Known Member
go 10/14 to speed her up and veg up something to take her place ?
Got 3 little seedlings of the same stuff working their way up. Kind of stretchy because i have nothing to keep them close to the T5 but theyll be fine. Gonna run the girl 5-6 weeks and post pics every week or two. Shooting for 4-8 zips


Well-Known Member
So checked on the girl today and found something strange. caterpillars. I moved her from outdoors to inside about 2 weeks ago now so they must be left over. They snipped off little pieces of the nugs here and there but she looks good. Shook her hard over and over for awhile and got about 20+ to fall off. Checked her once more thoroughly and sprayed with neem oil, shes still looks pretty. Thinking 5 weeks or so now?



Well-Known Member
Caterpillars seem to be under control after two neem oil applications and the physical removal of about 30 caterpillars total. Buds seem to be chugging along, although only running 200w of 6500k T5HO is leading to slow flowering (Can't complain for what I'm providing her with). Good news is the buds still seem to be growing ( I think lol) and the buds are purpling by the day! Ill have pics soon and hopefully she will look like a plant should 4 weeks from harvest