Finding fellow potsmokers

I see collectives near Niagara Falls why not just go to a collective? I wouldn't buy street bud anymore I am glad I made it past that phase of my life but we all know some shady dealers lace with things such as lead. It's one thing to buy from someone you know but to seek out strange buds, hmph.
Help everyone, WidowShamus here. Im from Niagara Falls, NY and lived here my whole life. I have 5 kids so I don't get out much. Problem is I have a heck of a time finding bud? How do you guys go about it. I can't just ask everyone i see as I kinda keep it on the down low. Any advice? I always got $ but you can't smoke paper. Lol Not looking for a connect as that would "violate the terms of this website" but any helping posts or private messages would be great. Thank you in advance.
PM Uncle Buck, I'm sure he knows someone in Niagara Falls that would hook u up
I see collectives near Niagara Falls why not just go to a collective? I wouldn't buy street bud anymore I am glad I made it past that phase of my life but we all know some shady dealers lace with things such as lead. It's one thing to buy from someone you know but to seek out strange buds, hmph.
Whats a collective? How does it work.
Last thing i say, multiple personalities are obviously put on top of me, which is why i dont like to talk to people very much ive given up i cant be myself cause im a minority. Like imagine 20 different people telling you who "YOU", are when you're the one with your brain, its extremely infuriating.

Especially when i think about the fact that none of you people are virgins

Why the hell have i never been able to keep a conversation going ?
Whats a collective? How does it work.
I don't know how it works in NY but I would assume it is much like here in California. You go to a medical marijuana evaluation which is a doctor who does nothing else except evaluate patients for marijuana prescriptions. You then provide a qualifying reason such as stress, pain or insomnia. You get prescribed marijuana and you are given a card which allows you to enter a collective, or have it delivered right to your house these days. Each year you have to be reevaluated which is the same as having a normal prescription renewed you simply pay the fees and get a new card each year.
I don't know how it works in NY but I would assume it is much like here in California. You go to a medical marijuana evaluation which is a doctor who does nothing else except evaluate patients for marijuana prescriptions. You then provide a qualifying reason such as stress, pain or insomnia. You get prescribed marijuana and you are given a card which allows you to enter a collective, or have it delivered right to your house these days. Each year you have to be reevaluated which is the same as having a normal prescription renewed you simply pay the fees and get a new card each year.
NYS is very stingy on medical marijuana. Have to have pretty much stage 4 cancer to get it. Recreational there is no collective.