Hillary can't be trusted

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the only mass religious killings I know of this century are based upon Islamic ideology,yes,I agree "all" religious maniacs are fucked in the head but we cant turn a blind eye to the innocent people suffering now because they don't worship Allah & follow sharia .
You are overstating your case just like Trump did many times during the debate. Believe me. Replace "this century" with past 16 years and it's the same but doesn't have the same grandiose tone.

How about the past 50 years? It's a better sample size. Genocide over the past 50 years:
  • Sep 7th, 1945. Mao's China (1945 - 1976) ...
  • Oct 20th, 1975. Pol Pot (Cambodia) (1975- 1979) ...
  • Apr 6th, 1994. Rwandan Genocide (1994) ...
  • Oct 21st, 2003. Sudan Darfur (2003)
The issue is about bad people doing bad things when given the opportunity. Genocidal acts stem from having a psychopath zealot in charge such as Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, the creep in charge of Daesh. They have more in common with each other than in any religion or ideology.

Who is turning a blind eye toward people suffering? Is the US supposed to rush into war without regard of consequences to address wrongs? Do you have any idea what the consequences might be if we declared all out war and invaded Iraq and Syria? Is that what you are proposing?

All this anti Muslim rhetoric has triggered a flood of hate crimes against Muslims or people who look like them over the past two years. Do you think it's a healthy trend in the US that Muslim people are now targets of hate crimes? Ever since Ted Cruz started beating the anti-Islam drum in early 2015, hate crimes resulting assaults, murders, property damage, attacks on mosques have all risen by about 8 times over previous years.

Which brings me to your statement:
Do I consider all Muslims corrupt rapists,murderers & maniacs ?


Just the Muslims who follow the Quran & Hadith's words in their written context,then attack others using gods law to justify their murders & rapes,as well as the Muslims who condone the viscous assaults by approving or demanding the implementation of sharia in their host country .

In most of your bombasts posted here, you don't differentiate all of Islam from specific groups in troubled parts of the world that actually do commit atrocities. One could infer that you are on a mission against all Islam. From you statement above, that's not true.

Because words matter -- and innocent people in the US are affected by what people say against Islam -- why not be more specific about your object of anger? The people committing atrocities have more in common with other genocidal zealots than other people of Islam.
Yeah but did you guys know that Hillary came into my house years ago and stole all of the Christmas presents from under the tree? She also farted on the ham dinner on her way out and threw her (used) tampon into our goldfish bowl....awful, awful Christmas that was....

Wall. Believe me. Tremendous.
Hillary Clinton saw fit to give high demand front & center seating to the father of an Islamic fanatic who used sharia to excuse his bigotry against gays,then the slaughtering of 50 plus productive non violent members of society .

Hillary's placement of the Islamic jack the rippers dad,obamas friend sadiq mateen,directly behind her,for the entire world to see was no chance accident,it was a purposeful act with a clear message.

Hillary can't be trusted !

the radicalized father of known racist biggoted mass murderer Omar mateen says "Hillary good for America" ,which speaks directly to the ideolgy of the Islamic support of Clinton.

Hillary has yet to disavow the support of radical jihadists!
devoid of facts. Truthy, yes, it's full of words that sound like facts, but they aren't.
Hell Bush said God told him to invade Iraq. Whats the death count on that.

I'll take that as a big fat NO you aren't able to post examples of Christians lynching & raping Muslims en mass as you claimed .

show me a single example of a western christian woman throwing sulfuric acid in a Muslim beauty queens face,because she wasn't dressed following gods dress code for females.

a single example of a christian father condemning his daughter to death because she wasn't a racist & dated outside her race.

a christian father watching his daughter be stoned to death.

a Christian faith that extols beating females.

a christian country where females are banned from driving.

a christian country running open air sex slave markets.

you've got a hell of a lot of religious hate crimes taking place everyday as required by Islamic sharia & there are no christian equlivants .
devoid of facts. Truthy, yes, it's full of words that sound like facts, but they aren't.

exactly what facts are devoid ?

is he not sitting front & center ? Yes √

does secret service not know who he is ? Yes √

was Hillary aware exactly who Sadiq Mateen is ? Yes √

has Hillary made a speech addressing Sadiq Mateens support of her,publically condemming & disavowing his support ? No √

facts o plenty right there,Hillary can't be trusted .
It goes back farther than ... oops. Your history doesn't go back past 8000 years?

Is this the part where the REALLY old guy transports mated pairs of EVERY animal on earth (lol) in a massive ship, or are we talking about when white dudes with flowing beards rode bareback dinosaurs?
...Oh, shit, or the one about the wine-making zombies and that GIANT guy??

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It goes back farther than ... oops. Your history doesn't go back past 8000 years?

of what relevance is anything 8 century's in the past,man discovering fire ?

what's wrong with discussing the century we live in ?

answer = because its the century of radical Islam reestablishing the true calliphate .
That's the Westboro Baptist church they are wolfs in sheeps clothing and there actions are vile and unchrist like. They will take no part in Gods kingdom.

more sick fucks who will end up killing somebody sooner or later,they do a hella job at terrorizing homosexuals funerals,but so far haven't murdered,if they do the government will immediately step in & close down their church & arrest the pastor,and rightly so,its a shame the same can't be said for the mosques & clerics preaching hate.

One of the smartest Americans to ever live left us this relevant quote about religion .

You can't run a country with a book of religion !

Even though he had Arabic blood I don't think the Islamic world got the message .
Apparently, you you don't know much. Jonesville ? Waco ? Heavens gate ? The Holocaust, oh wait that never happend ? Right.....

Jonesville, I take it your talking about Jim Jones & his followers who committed suicide ? that jonesville ? Fail !

Waco,you mean the Koresh compound set on fire by the FBI,killing everybody inside & shown live on the news Waco ? Fail !

Heavens gate,another group who committed suicide to get to heaven,that heavens gate ? boy those suicides sure are infringing on the human rights of other religions. Fail !

And finally the holocaust,your speaking of the 3rd Reich's attempt to wipe an entire " race " of people from the map & having zero to do with Christianity,that Holocaust,the Nazi holocaust that was about race,not religion,that holocaust ? Fail !

unlike yourself I lived through every example you tried to equate to Islamic attacks against Christians & failed miserably,with exemption of ww2 obviously, so I know you failed without even googling the info you had to lol .

Try again because not 1 example you posted shows any faith targeted by the christian faith ,not even the Nazi holocaust you'd hoped for because Jewish is a race of people .
of what relevance is anything 8 century's in the past,man discovering fire ?

what's wrong with discussing the century we live in ?

answer = because its the century of radical Islam reestablishing the true calliphate .
People been killing other people since before we were Homo Sapiens. Pre-contact Native American tribes weren't exactly all lovey dovey with each other either. Islam has been around for about 1400 years. It's a bit of a stretch to say that something changed in mankind's treatment of each other due to Islam. You are a bigot and your view of the world compresses around religion. Stubbed my toe, damn Muslims. Got a cold, must be that Muslim I stood next to in the checkout line. That sort of nonsense is very similar to "bad boys in Iraq are Muslim so the problem is the religion." Pure horse shit. The problem is unchecked psychopath in charge.

Your "century of radical Islam" is horse shit too. Daesh is on the back foot, losing territory, losing funds, losing all around. That they manage to excite some lone wolf attacks from nut jobs has no bearing on the fact that within a few years they will be a memory.
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People been killing other people since before we were Home Sapiens. Pre-contact Native American tribes weren't exactly all lovey dovey with each other either. Islam has been around for about 1400 years. It's a bit of a stretch to say that something changed in mankind's treatment of each other due to Islam. You are a bigot and your view of the world compresses around religion. Stubbed my toe, damn Muslims. Got a cold, must be that Muslim I stood next to in the checkout line. That sort of nonsense is very similar to "bad boys in Iraq are Muslim so the problem is the religion." Pure horse shit. The problem is unchecked psychopath in charge.

Your "century of radical Islam" is horse shit too. Daesh is on the back foot, losing territory, losing funds, losing all around. That they manage to excite some lone wolf attacks from nut jobs has no bearing on the fact that within a few years they will be a memory.
Even Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan hate the terrorists. Most Muslims don't hate America that is a lie spread by the media. I've been there and I find them to be a beautiful people and culture. The terrorists kill more of they're own people then they have all Americans and Christians combined.
You are overstating your case just like Trump did many times during the debate. Believe me. Replace "this century" with past 16 years and it's the same but doesn't have the same grandiose tone.

How about the past 50 years? It's a better sample size. Genocide over the past 50 years:
  • Sep 7th, 1945. Mao's China (1945 - 1976) ...
  • Oct 20th, 1975. Pol Pot (Cambodia) (1975- 1979) ...
  • Apr 6th, 1994. Rwandan Genocide (1994) ...
  • Oct 21st, 2003. Sudan Darfur (2003)
The issue is about bad people doing bad things when given the opportunity. Genocidal acts stem from having a psychopath zealot in charge such as Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, the creep in charge of Daesh. They have more in common with each other than in any religion or ideology.

Who is turning a blind eye toward people suffering? Is the US supposed to rush into war without regard of consequences to address wrongs? Do you have any idea what the consequences might be if we declared all out war and invaded Iraq and Syria? Is that what you are proposing?

All this anti Muslim rhetoric has triggered a flood of hate crimes against Muslims or people who look like them over the past two years. Do you think it's a healthy trend in the US that Muslim people are now targets of hate crimes? Ever since Ted Cruz started beating the anti-Islam drum in early 2015, hate crimes resulting assaults, murders, property damage, attacks on mosques have all risen by about 8 times over previous years.

Which brings me to your statement:

In most of your bombasts posted here, you don't differentiate all of Islam from specific groups in troubled parts of the world that actually do commit atrocities. One could infer that you are on a mission against all Islam. From you statement above, that's not true.

Because words matter -- and innocent people in the US are affected by what people say against Islam -- why not be more specific about your object of anger? The people committing atrocities have more in common with other genocidal zealots than other people of Islam.
Why all this concern for muslim feelings over words?

Christianity and judaism has been under verbal attack forever. During the 1400 yr reign of islam in the Middle East, they were forced to live like slaves and treated like filth.

Islamists were the first nazis.
Even Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan hate the terrorists. Most Muslims don't hate America that is a lie spread by the media. I've been there and I find them to be a beautiful people and culture. The terrorists kill more of they're own people then they have all Americans and Christians combined.
My father in laws family does not want the muslims to be mass shipped into the US. They fled Iraq to escape the religious persecution of Islam.

Most arab immigrants will be voting for trump. They left to get away from the intolerant muslims.
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