Finding fellow potsmokers

every time i leave the house. it's like gaydar... we should call it 'zone-ar'... lol
It reminds me of this time me and a buddy when to the gas station after smoking. I was sitting in the car while he was inside and this dude came up to me and asked me if I had a dollar and I told him I didn't have any cash on me (witch was true). We made I contact and both relized the other was stoned. He smiled and walked away and I look back in the car and see that there is change all over the inside of home boys car lol
Same situation with this old drunk guy and he told me to go fuck myself when I didn't give him money. Drunks are dicks

I not sure there was aNY point to that story nor was it relevant but hey
It reminds me of this time me and a buddy when to the gas station after smoking. I was sitting in the car while he was inside and this dude came up to me and asked me if I had a dollar and I told him I didn't have any cash on me (witch was true). We made I contact and both relized the other was stoned. He smiled and walked away and I look back in the car and see that there is change all over the inside of home boys car lol
Same situation with this old drunk guy and he told me to go fuck myself when I didn't give him money. Drunks are dicks

I not sure there was aNY point to that story nor was it relevant but hey
Meth heads are the worst
Ewww right? Make me nervous. My wife has kinda of a mouth on her and my nerves double with her. I try to explain to her that there is no reasoning with tweaker and that even making eye contact with one could cause some kind of 0-100mph tweaker melt down.

Yeah right?

One of our local homeless tweakers was in a parking lot a couple of weeks ago & as I pull in to park he throws this (apparently empty) 16oz coffee cup as hard as he can. The wind was really gusting & it blew back at him and that crazy fuck chased it clean across a very large parking lot screaming and kicking at it the whole way.

I'm like WTF ? :shock:
Yeah right?

One of our local homeless tweakers was in a parking lot a couple of weeks ago & as I pull in to park he throws this (apparently empty) 16oz coffee cup as hard as he can. The wind was really gusting & it blew back at him and that crazy fuck chased it clean across a very large parking lot screaming and kicking at it the whole way.

I'm like WTF ? :shock:
When I worked in the oilfield we were staying at the motel 6 in Bryan, Tx. We were just about to go to the job site one morning and we're gathered around the bed of the crew truck talking shit and this grungy ass AB skin head tweaker comes up to about 6 of use. Mind you were are all 200+lbs each and the biggest dude among us reched down its the bed and grabs a valve bar. So he comes up to us and says " I heard yall talking about my old lady that's disrespectfull I wouldn't blah blah aND he starts to bow up on us. It might have taken all of us but this dude was about to get fucked up and just before shut goes south the eldest among us goes " you know what your right and we're sorry for being direspectful" lol he gave him and then us a retarded look and walked off mumbling something....tell kicker here being that no body ever saw a chick the whole 3 days we were there hahaha old dude saved our jobs
@oilfield bud
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does the 5o really come to riu?
This might help, some helpful advice nontheless...

Well you asked was I holding
I said no I’m not holding
I thought you was holding, it’s true
But here I’m not holding
And since you’re not holding
My dear, what on Earth will we do

Now you know when I’m holding
There’s no need you holding
And you know the same about me
And if you run out
Before I run out
You can always get some from me

Now if you ain’t got none
And if I ain’t got none
We can go find some other head
Find out if they’re holding
Get down and start rolling
And smoke what they’re holding instead

Help everyone, WidowShamus here. Im from Niagara Falls, NY and lived here my whole life. I have 5 kids so I don't get out much. Problem is I have a heck of a time finding bud? How do you guys go about it. I can't just ask everyone i see as I kinda keep it on the down low. Any advice? I always got $ but you can't smoke paper. Lol Not looking for a connect as that would "violate the terms of this website" but any helping posts or private messages would be great. Thank you in advance.
You are fortunate to live in Niagara Falls. Just go out to the middle of that footbridge that crosses from the US into Canada and ask everybody going by if they know where you can score some bud. Hell, you could even hold up a sign. The beauty of it is that if the cops are ever onto you, all you have to do is step into the other country. It is foolproof and the Canadian and US police know it - so they probably won't even hassle you. It's like being in international waters.
You are fortunate to live in Niagara Falls. Just go out to the middle of that footbridge that crosses from the US into Canada and ask everybody going by if they know where you can score some bud. Hell, you could even hold up a sign. The beauty of it is that if the cops are ever onto you, all you have to do is step into the other country. It is foolproof and the Canadian and US police know it - so they probably won't even hassle you. It's like being in international waters.

Be careful you don't end up going for a swim lol
I did actually have some plants growing in a huge field behind my house. Great secluded spot. Problem was the wildlife didn't like my grow and they attacked it without mercy. That's prob why Elmer Fudd had a grudge against rabbits!!