Fat man sinking - The Chris Christie Story


Well-Known Member
Lol. Christie is a political anchor. Where are your friends now Chris?

In case you are not watching, Christie is being exposed as the lying POS that he is over the GW bridge scandal. Yay!!
I just wasted 3 minutes reading that article and NOWHERE in it was there any link to Chris Christie.


Well-Known Member
You don't need a link, he's denying everything even though there are pics of him that day standing around laughing in a group with Baroni and Wildman.

That fat fuck knew exactly what was going on.
There is no evidence that he knew what was going on. You make all these assumptions in life.

A black woman would lie about her husband about having a gun during a domestic issue because that is what black people do. However, the same black woman would never lie that her husband had a gun which she may or may not have known about concealed in an ankle holster. However, Chris Christie knew everything that was going on in his department.

Good thing you know all the facts all the time. Maybe you should be president instead of Hillary... You dont lie, you are simply clueless...