Hillary can't be trusted

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Hillary is losing, and losing bad. Ha..Ha..Ha.. @UncleBuck
E-mails, Benghazi, Bosnia, NAFTA, Math, and now Super predators,...How many mistakes can our next leader have before you admit,....dunce. Those are major "mistakes"
PS. Hillary says people have to respect the law.

True that

Hillary caused it. Now she complains about it.
The topic was race relations and healing. Hillary went over her views and ideas which translated to something she can't do anything about -- improving police and community relations and something she can -- preventing those that shouldn't have a gun from acquiring one. Trump basically talked about lawn order which translates, I guess to more cops. At a time when crime is at very low levels compared to ten years ago except for a few cities.

What was Clinton complaining about that she caused?
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E-mails, HUUGGEE, Benghazi, Alien surrogates, Bosnia, NAFTA, Bill's private rape rooms, Math, and now Fast Food Coupons!,...How many bullshit straws can a dummy like me grab ahold of? Dunces, we are! "Major mistake!" is what they said when I was born....the doctor begged my mom to have an abortion due to excessive inbreeding/fetal alcohol syndrome.

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E-mails, Benghazi, Bosnia, NAFTA, Math, and now Super predators,...How many mistakes can our next leader have before you admit,....dunce. Those are major "mistakes"
The e-mails and the statement on super predators were mistakes that she owned up to.

Benghazi, Bosnia (really?) and NAFTA. These aren't mistakes made by Clinton. Its made up shit by your people. So, how many major made-up incidents does she have to own up to? How about none.
Benghazi, Bosnia (really?) and NAFTA. These aren't mistakes made by Clinton. Its made up shit by your people. So, how many major made-up incidents does she have to own up to? How about none.

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Statements like this are why I 'follow' you.....but not in a gay way, in a 'website feature' way.

Though if you wanted to show me a pic of your cock I might check it out for a few minutes....
Welcome back to the politics forum Lou, I always enjoy your posts.

Awww, aren't you a peach.

far as the other stuff, you can find better looking ones on the internet, "Believe Me".

Yeah, but are they HUUGGGGEEE?

Because trust me, I've got NO PROBLEMS in that area. No problems. Believe me. I'd gladly show you MY cock, but I'm in the middle of being audited.
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