outdoor odor control issue please help


hey guys I feel like I sould first say that I live in a country that hasnt made this legal yet and it is a third world country so we dont get alot of the brands I read about on here ...

Anyway I grew once before but it was through winter so smell was not an issue because people were not outside now the plants are smelling great but people are starting to notice so any healpful tips as to a natural remady or somthing I would be able to find easly would be much appreciated

Backyard dirt

Well-Known Member
hey guys I feel like I sould first say that I live in a country that hasnt made this legal yet and it is a third world country so we dont get alot of the brands I read about on here ...

Anyway I grew once before but it was through winter so smell was not an issue because people were not outside now the plants are smelling great but people are starting to notice so any healpful tips as to a natural remady or somthing I would be able to find easly would be much appreciated
Rent a pet skunk and parade it around your area. Make a big show of it. That should cover your tracks, so to speak.

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
If you have the stomach for it, the best cover is a dead skunk. Look for a roadkill, shovel it into your truck bed (Truck IS a requirement), then unload it right in front of your house, preferably after dark.

Your neighbors will no longer where the stench is coming from. Remember, the skunk doesn't have to wreak, if they see it they will assssssume.

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
where are you going to find a dead skunk that DOESN'T stink?
We get a lot of roadkills here (near the Emerald Triangle) this time of year, this must be skunk mating season. I see at least one roadkill a day and I'd say that about 1 in 4 don't stink yet, as in they are still a fresh roadkill AND they haven't had their odor glands crushed YET. The key is get 'em fresh and relatively intact.

Lots of wineries around this area which mean lots of 2 lane winery roads with horny skunkage trying to cross the road to get to the skanks on the other side.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
We get a lot of roadkills here (near the Emerald Triangle) this time of year, this must be skunk mating season. I see at least one roadkill a day and I'd say that about 1 in 4 don't stink yet, as in they are still a fresh roadkill AND they haven't had their odor glands crushed YET. The key is get 'em fresh and relatively intact.

Lots of wineries around this area which mean lots of 2 lane winery roads with horny skunkage trying to cross the road to get to the skanks on the other side.
skunk skanks?


Well-Known Member
Besides the fact that the smell was already there before the dead skunk showed up that's a horrible idea.......

if I was your neighbor not happy about the smell already ...and then you started planting dead animals outside ......I would think either your trying to cover the smell of your illegal activities and report you.......or I would think you've been in your back yard molesting a poor skunk and you finally killed it and report you ...

Stinky plants stinky place ....I don't see putting dead animals out bringing any less attention to your not so well thought out plan in the first place

Dead skunk in a rural area might work ...


there are other plants you could plant close to yours that have a strong smell while growing, sage and tomoatoes both have a pretty strong odor, but honestly, you're going to have to plant them in a more remote area next time, or go with a low odor strain.
shot buddy
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you people talk shit lol I just wanted my trees to be a bit less smelly but now theres skunks of all varietys and a wildebest like fuck I dont live in the bush but thanx for that I did laugh well done

Bud Farmer

Well-Known Member
I have actually has the skunk truck work but it was just a stroke of luck. There's a convenience store on the highway and it's a great place to plant but a few years ago I had some really strong stuff and my mother was getting whiffs of it from the store(she works there). Luckily, a skunk was ran over right near the store and it stunk for at least 3 weeks. She never mentioned anything else about it .
Needless to say, I dropped that planting spot after that. But that said, I can see the skunk truck working but it may be hard to pull off without someone setting you throwing it out in the road hahaha