Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I don`t have to, Have you your strength to try again ? Did you know the WA. Nazi and the Texas Muslim are not related incidents ? Don`t listen to people that say they are.
Hey man. In another thread I said you should be digging ditches. I should apologize. Just in case there are any ditch-diggers on RIU - I am sorry to have implied that you were all this stupid. Ditch digging is hard work and I respect that. Oddball would be like the stupidest ditch-digger, maybe a ditch digger assistant.


Well-Known Member
Hey man. In another thread I said you should be digging ditches. I should apologize. Just in case there are any ditch-diggers on RIU - I am sorry to have implied that you were all this stupid. Ditch digging is hard work and I respect that. Oddball would be like the stupidest ditch-digger, maybe a ditch digger assistant.

So What`s yer dirt doing in my hole ?


Well-Known Member
After a brief internet search it appears that most polls say that Trump won the first debate although if you pay attention to the liberal talking heads many of them are saying that Hillary won.

Even CNBC's poll shows Trump won the debate.

However, since Hillary didnt collapse and have to be hauled off by ambulance, it wasnt a landslide by any means.


Well-Known Member
After a brief internet search it appears that most polls say that Trump won the first debate although if you pay attention to the liberal talking heads many of them are saying that Hillary won.

Even CNBC's poll shows Trump won the debate.

However, since Hillary didnt collapse and have to be hauled off by ambulance, it wasnt a landslide by any means.



Well-Known Member
After a brief internet search it appears that most polls say that Trump won the first debate although if you pay attention to the liberal talking heads many of them are saying that Hillary won.

Even CNBC's poll shows Trump won the debate.

However, since Hillary didnt collapse and have to be hauled off by ambulance, it wasnt a landslide by any means.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3791009
Clinton News Network has been outed very hard tonight.​

And the earth is flat because some Russian hackers say so. You guys are funny. He got his ass kicked. The online polls you show are merely polls that allowed anonymous people to vote online. TRUMP! could have literally shot Lester Holt and then masturbated over the corpse and the online polls would have him way ahead.

You will see this in the real polling later this week when TRUMP! drops 5 points. That will cause you to shriek about how crooked the polls are. Nobody will listen.


Well-Known Member
In the news
'The Trump thermometer': He lost the debate in first few minutes, according to currency markets and gamblers
Washington Post‎ - 3 hours ago
Who lost? Who cares? The perceived winner of Monday night's Clinton-Trump debate is sort ...
Who won the debate? The Mexican peso says it wasn't Trump
CNNMoney‎ - 15 mins ago
In first debate, Donald Trump loses the battle against himself
Chicago Tribune‎ - 1 hour ago
More news for trump lost debate
trump lost debate on Twitter
Philip Bump (@pbump)
1 hour ago - View on Twitter
Lots to choose from, but I think one answer Trump gave best demonstrates why he lost the debate.
OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt)
2 hours ago - View on Twitter
Of course Trump's supporters think he won the debate, they don't even know the South lost the Civil War.
Brian Fallon (@brianefallon)
40 mins ago - View on Twitter
15 mins in last night, Trump lost his cool. By 30 mins in, he had lost the debate. By the end - w/ Iraq answer - he lost any grip on reality
Virginia Postrel (@vpostrel)
1 hour ago - View on Twitter
Consensus seems that Donald Trump's word salad & lack of cool lost him the debate. In other words, he was Trump. Probably means he won.
(((David Lauter))) (@DavidLauter)
9 hours ago - View on Twitter
For all the talk about low expectations & grading on curve, post-debate analysis pretty complete that Trump lost. That will feed on itself.
POLITICO (@politico)
39 secs ago - View on Twitter
Eight in 10 insiders agree @realDonaldTrump lost the first debate…
Ilse Santa Rita (@ilse_comunica)
45 secs ago - View on Twitter
Mexican Peso Gives Clearest Market Signal That Trump Lost Debate via @markets
John Van Reenen (@johnvanreenen)
54 secs ago - View on Twitter
#Trump loses it in #Clinton Presidential But he won on no. of @538politics
Donald Trump Claims He Lost The Debate Because His Mic Was ...
9 hours ago - Donald Trump is claiming that his debate performance was so awful because he was given a defective microphone.
What does it mean that Donald Trump lost the debate? - The ...
The Washington Post
8 hours ago - It should have meant nothing. But, given where the polls are at the moment, I hope it means a lot.
Commentary: Clinton won, Trump lost, and here's what comes next ...
CBS News
9 hours ago - Was Monday's debate the moment that finally finished Trump? Don't be so sure.
Carville on Debate: Trump Lost Badly, You Almost Wanted to Throw ...
9 hours ago - Classic Clinton team member James Carville comments on the first presidential debate at Hofstra University. JAMES CARVILLE: I can't imagine ...



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