Hillary can't be trusted

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I've been reading and watching alot of history and I am shocked at how quickly america has forgotten.

America hasn't forgot,as the meteoric flight of moderate democrats to voting for Donald Trump shows,academia white washes history & pumps out radicals,media colludes with the corrupt DNC,we haven't forgot but the media plays like its you & me against a billion SJW's,in reality I don't know a single fellow moderate democrat who's not voting for Trump .

SJW's lie & weasel,america men & women have forgot nothing .
America hasn't forgot,as the meteoric flight of moderate democrats to voting for Donald Trump shows,academia white washes history & pumps out radicals,media colludes with the corrupt DNC,we haven't forgot but the media plays like its you & me against a billion SJW's,in reality I don't know a single fellow moderate democrat who's not voting for Trump .

SJW's lie & weasel,america men & women have forgot nothing .

you're not a moderate democrat, you are a neo-nazi. and you have the tattoo to prove it.
America hasn't forgot,as the meteoric flight of moderate democrats to voting for Donald Trump shows,academia white washes history & pumps out radicals,media colludes with the corrupt DNC,we haven't forgot but the media plays like its you & me against a billion SJW's,in reality I don't know a single fellow moderate democrat who's not voting for Trump .

SJW's lie & weasel,america men & women have forgot nothing .

Funny post.
in 2003, a born again christian president who thinks that god talks to him led a 75% christian nation into an unnecessary war of choice that left 500,000+ innocent civilian muslims dead. we bulldozed piles of their bodies into mass graves.

name one time when muslims were more barbaric than that.
Well, Tamerlane was pretty much the baseline for awful. He did his deeds in 1370 and yep he was a Mongol Muslim.

It's amusing how @Flaming Pie uses history as an excuse for deplorable behavior by Trump in today's world. She can point to Tamerlane who killed about 25% of the worlds population in the 1300's and without any real connection say: see, we are bad, not Trumpanistas. No learning, no connection with today, just, Muslim, bad.

It's easy to see why she runs away from recent events and loses herself in history because her shit stained racist white male and dying political party is deplorable.

Barely 25 years ago, Christians in Srebrenica killed tens of thousands without mercy. Yet what happened a hundred or more years ago is what Pie is wrapped around the axle with. For a moment, let's just focus on Republicans recently trying to violate the constitution by denying voting rights to black people in North Carolina . Isn't what happened a few months ago more relevant than Tamerlane?

Not to Pie, it seems.
You haven't learned anything. Are you aware that the US government had to smack down the muslim brotherhood for funding terrorism and today we have muslim brotherhood organizations in the ear of our president?

Are you aware that the Britain PM has declared the muslim brotherhood and its sister organizations as fundraising tools for all the radical islamic sects terrorizing the middle east?

You are willfully ignorant. You refuse to look up the truth.
You haven't learned anything. Are you aware that the US government had to smack down the muslim brotherhood for funding terrorism and today we have muslim brotherhood organizations in the ear of our president?

Are you aware that the Britain PM has declared the muslim brotherhood and its sister organizations as fundraising tools for all the radical islamic sects terrorizing the middle east?

You are willfully ignorant. You refuse to look up the truth.
Just sad. Please keep your Breitbart crap to your white supremacy forums.

I still have hope for you. I hope you wake up and realize what you have become. I also hope you can forgive yourself. But this won't happen.

You will probably just get meaner and older. Remember when I said that you said MLK was widely discredited? Go read and watch about MLK on your hate sites. In a month you will believe it to be true. Maybe it will be his infidelity to his wife. Maybe it will be his association with black radicals. Maybe it will be the right-wing shrieking "Communniss!"

Trust me. Go do it. It will happen. You are the easiest of easy marks.
Like that would help.

History is tricky business to begin with. In the best of worlds, facts just beg the question anyway. What those facts mean is up to the "user".

And these days, facts aren't even facts anymore. Any piece of crap untruth has a website devoted to it. Stupid people who know how to operate keyboards but never learned to think will think that they are wise and informed. The readily available crap news and information sites will make them feel like they are current and relevant and correct when they are none of those things.

Something's got to give.
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