Wow. That looks like my little girls twin sister. I'm in vt, and foir some reason mine is a couple weeks ahead of everybody else's. I believe it was because of our fence outback making us lose the last hour or so of sunlight each evening.View attachment 3788418 View attachment 3788417 What do you think? It has been flowering since mid august(first flowers)
Your hijacking OPs thread homieHere's a picture of my Kola right now. Just like all the other green newbies, I have trouble taking then advice from the few I've let see my girl in person. If I did everything each person told me, I'd be left with a leafless plant with only buds at the end of each branch. If someone wants to share some knowledge letting me know if I've done things close to correct I would be grateful.
You should be good as far as harvest in the next 3 weeks do you predict rain 3 weeks out ....just curios I'm just a simple man I lay on my back on my roof naked with an erection to survey the weather .....peeeeteorologist..View attachment 3788418 View attachment 3788417 What do you think? It has been flowering since mid august(first flowers)
Explain please. I'm not sure what you mean. I see two people with very similar questions with similar plants. who both are inexperienced in growing. I figured we both could get our questions answered, or clarified atleast, at the same time.Your hijacking OPs thread homie
This is a close up from a week ago.
Explain please. I'm not sure what you mean.
Lol. Yes i understand that part. I'll start a new thread in reference to the pictures i posted. I'll remove those to eliminate any confusion.Gladly------you see where OP started this thread asking about his plants with pics .....and then a few posts later your doing the same thing .....that's how you hi jack a thread ......I'm guessing it wasn't intentional and I'm just giving you a heads up now OP has his pics in here and so do you .....and for the simple reason most of the stoners here don't actually read threads but thumb through quickly then answer.......your pics become confusing.......therefore your images may be confused with the OP and if your plants have a month left for instance and the OPs plants have a week ......that could lead to false information and ruin or hurt OPs garden ...which we would all blame you for then you could possibly have a pissed off pothead hunting you down for ruining his first grow ......make sense now????
Just giving you a heads up that's'll erase yours then someone else will do the same ...Lol. Yes i understand that part. I'll start a new thread in reference to the pictures i posted. I'll remove those to eliminate any confusion.
How about that cold weather here in VT last night and tonight watch out for frost.Wow. That looks like my little girls twin sister. I'm in vt, and foir some reason mine is a couple weeks ahead of everybody else's. I believe it was because of our fence outback making us lose the last hour or so of sunlight each evening.
Tonight's calling for 32. My house will probably be 28-30. hope she makes it through.How about that cold weather here in VT last night and tonight watch out for frost.
FYI. you aren't not the only one guilty of this, but I notice more time spent ridiculing, and complaining about other individuals than helping ones with questions pertaining to their operations they've got going.Gladly------you see where OP started this thread asking about his plants with pics .....and then a few posts later your doing the same thing .....that's how you hi jack a thread ......I'm guessing it wasn't intentional and I'm just giving you a heads up now OP has his pics in here and so do you .....and for the simple reason most of the stoners here don't actually read threads but thumb through quickly then answer.......your pics become confusing.......therefore your images may be confused with the OP and if your plants have a month left for instance and the OPs plants have a week ......that could lead to false information and ruin or hurt OPs garden ...which we would all blame you for then you could possibly have a pissed off pothead hunting you down for ruining his first grow ......make sense now????
Tonight's calling for 32. My house will probably be 28-30. hope she makes it through.
LolFYI. you aren't not the only one guilty of this, but I notice more time spent ridiculing, and complaining about other individuals than helping ones with questions pertaining to their operations they've got going.
Lol ....your in for a rough one noobs .....lolFYI. you aren't not the only one guilty of this, but I notice more time spent ridiculing, and complaining about other individuals than helping ones with questions pertaining to their operations they've got going.
32 here but same as you probably colder by a few. Did large 45 gallon contractor bags on mine last night. Mine are directly in the ground.Cover your plants at night.. a couple canes and a garbage bag.. anything to keep the frost off!
Looks like mine as being that far along. Giving mine until October 22. Good luck yuk frost. Nice job by the way.View attachment 3788418 View attachment 3788417 What do you think? It has been flowering since mid august(first flowers)